MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (1984) Discussion > Elisabeth Shue apparently hated making t...

Elisabeth Shue apparently hated making this movie

At least, that's what she said to the Los Angeles Times back in 1987 when her film, Advenures in Babysitting was out:

At 19, Shue became a regular on the critically acclaimed ABC-TV series “Call to Glory.” The show lasted barely a year so she returned to Harvard to continue her education. School was again put on hold when her agent called her to come back to Hollywood to audition for the female lead in “The Karate Kid.”

The movie turned out to be a boon for her career but soured her on Hollywood for a while. She says she was disappointed by the way some of the film makers went about their business.

“Doing ‘The Karate Kid’ was not a happy experience for me, and I think my performance reflected my feelings,” she says. “I didn’t feel anyone had passion for the work, at least during what I observed on the set. After feeling such a warm and positive commitment from the ‘Call to Glory’ cast, I thought I should re-think my future. The last thing I wanted to do was a ‘Karate Kid’ sequel.”


Well it’s the only thing she is known for.


What about Adventures in Babysitting or Leaving Las Vegas, which earned her an Oscar nomination?


Leaving Las Vegas was depressing af. Not many people can watch that twice. Adventures in Babysitting is one of my favorites, but it never reached iconic film status like Karate Kid. Gen Z know KK, but only a few know Adventures in B.




Bah. I wonder what she is talking about specifically. She should be more clear.

Certainly this movie does not look passionless.
If anything, it's one of the best kids movie ever, and the chemistry between kids, adults and kids with adults is perfect. And she is good in it too.


i have always thought karate kids is overrated. it is not bad movie but it is missing something.

i think it is because it try to portray daniels classmates as bullys. but they are not bullys - they are attempted murderers!! i think film would be better if daniel face them in mortal kombat rather than wussy tournament. he should kill them as they are trying to kill him!!


She probably didn't know what it would look like when filming it. Lots of movies have troubled or not so good productions and the movies turn out really well.


I was just reading a story about the director and (I think) producer of that train wreck Showgirls. They were quoted as saying that they themselves were stunned how bad Showgirls was when they saw the final cut. Critics agreed.

I wonder if the actors in Star Wars were stunned how good that movie actually turned out to be. To all their credits, even if they expected it to bomb, they didn't "mail in" their performances.


Like Titanic, the score really lifted what could have been a very mediocre movie.


Which movie?


Star Wars




Sounds like she wanted people to be sitting around talking about 'their craft' and how to emote etc. Some just aren't into that.


I imagine those "method actors" can be insufferable.
