Bobby had a conscience

He tried to stop the group attack on Daniel


There was another example that got cut from the film. In the original script, after the match Bobby was supposed to drop his belt at Kreese's feet and walk away from the Cobra Kai in disgust.


Shame that got cut. It would have added some nuance to the underlying theme of peer pressure and bullying. I like that some of the CK kids were wrestling with their conscience.


Also, during the tournament, after he swept the leg, Bobby ran over and said he was sorry to Daniel.


That too.


that mean nothing.

doing horrendous act to someone then grovelling like pussy should not excuse you. he had choice and took it!!


Now I want to see those cut scenes. They need to release the full film. Call it:

“Yes, Mercy - The Karate Kid Director’s Cut, The Redemption of Bobby”.
