I don't remember that he said "subconsciously". He says it wasn't suggested in the script, but he decided to interpret the character's behavior that way, because it seemed like the only logical explanation. He says that the character is in love and hence "doesn't know what he's doing", which doesn't mean that it's subconscious, but that he isn't behaving "rationally" any longer. It may certainly be a novel feeling for him and hence he doesn't quite know how to deal with it, certainly also fights it because it gets in the way (even to the point of endangering his life), but that isn't the same as being unaware of it. In fact, once you realize this yourself (personally I suspected it upon first watching the film, but wasn't sure whether it was my wishful thinking :-)) and watch the film again, there are many hints at what is going with him, and much sooner than the third act.