MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (1984) Discussion > As a child I considered Bill Murray a di...

As a child I considered Bill Murray a dirty old man

He's a professor hitting on a college girl. My parents were young so he looked old to me. I never felt comfortable with his sexual advances on her and punishing a man who even had apparent psychic ability, all while trying to get with her.


It's a movie, chick. Take it easy.


If you take the mid credit scene in the newest Ghostbusters sequel Afterlife into account, Dana makes him pay for doing that by doing the same thing to him. Especially when she realizes he had marked the cards she was using.


Yes they should have him an upstanding citizen who treats all people and especially women with the utmost respect. The movie would have been really hilarious then.


I don't hate Peter but I prefer the other 3 ghostbusters to him.
