I think Frances McDormand...
... Is a hottie in this movie. Does that make me a bad person?
shareShe was a hottie then and she's a hottie now.
shareI'm not interested in women, but I still thought that she was a total babe in this movie. She is beautiful in a natural way. It is easy to believe that she is a lovely girl next door in Texas instead of a Hollywood actress with a personal trainer and a recent chemical peel. Her character also seems like a very nice person. It's easy to see how she could captivate both Marty and Ray.
shareI honestly reckon she tries to look unattractive nowadays, she is incredibly un-photogenic at the award shows etc., she probably has a no bullshyte attitude to all that sort of stuff. I wouldn't call her extremely good looking, but this film in particular she looked very young and rather naturally cute. The only film she looked great in was when she the Cohen's dolled her up in 'The Man Who Wasn't There'.
shareShe is aging naturally today and after all is over 50 years of age. Good on her!
shareIf you are a bad person, then I'm one, too.
shareShe looked great in this. As someone else said, a naturally pretty look without a ton of makeup/wardrobe.
Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
One reason she's sexy is the puffiness around her mouth. Reminds me of Gunnel Lindblom.
Also she nailed the speech and style of a small-town chick who married money.
It won't chip, peel, blister, crack, flake or rust in any way.
She was 27 when she made that film, that's why she's a hottie.