Anybody else wants the Stallone version?
I want to see that movie more than BTTF Stoltz.
Anybody else would want it?
I want to see that movie more than BTTF Stoltz.
Anybody else would want it?
I actually wouldn't want to see either
Stoltz BTTF sounds like a mess, thematically, since he refused to acknowledge it as a comedy and actively worked against it playing that way
Stallone BHC would just be another Stallone flick. I feel like Foley is similar to Murphy's characters (obviously, especially Reggie Hammond) but still carves out his own niche
Yeah, T&C seems like a too little too late effort, but I agree it's a close match.
AI replacement sounds like all we got to see it. But I doubt it will have more artistic value than that cat on youtube replacing anything, from t rex to T2.
the opposite of Will Smith in The Matrix.