How come this is not in IMDB Bottom 100?

Seriously, i thought this movie was crap and i'll give it a 1/10 (1 point for the fast pace and scattered humour)...

how come everybody loves this movie? Is it because i'm not american and don't understand the jokes and references in this movie?

i'm not saying that my judgement is best; but i mostly agree with other users when it comes to an average rating; but strangely i couldn't understand sh*t of this movie and actually finished it in 2 sittings!


This Movie is Listed as one the best 1000 movies ever in TSPDT's respectful list.


Oh Dear God!! This movie is brillant in its insanity! There are just too many bits and pieces of inspiried lunasy and creativity embeded in this film that it takes several viewing just to tap into its "groove".

Isnt this one of those films that you would have loved being on the set of (and Ive been on a few myself that were "just business")that you imagine would have been magical and manicial? Ive watched it at least 20 times and i still pick up tidbits of dialog, action, set decoration and in-jokes ( as Doc L. makes his call from the loonie-bin take a look at some of the names scralled on the wall).

Some folk will never get it and some will. Me... I will always look for the that scene where Dr. Lazardo hands his suitcase up to the Lectroid with the mismatched black and white outfit with the oversized red plastic boxing gloves on and wonder how everyone kept a straight face while that went on. Oh and look on John L. face after he says "TAKE HER TO THE PIT!!"..strickly Academy Awards material as well. Just Priceless

Ive seen over a couple thousand movies and this is still one of my favorite. From reading this thread it seems to have changed from a "I hate this" to a "how can you not love this" movie. I give it a 9 out of 10 rating (I'd give it a 10! but Ellen Barkins not nude in it).


Wow, the initial scathing comment to this string is kinda interesting, but the responses are fascinating. I never loved the movie. Never hated it either, it just sort of vaguely annoyed me. I do love randomness as humor. I worship at the altar of Monty Python. I am a Blade Runner devotee. Such a magnificent discussion on perfection and imperfection and life among flawed beings in a world in which everything returns to dust, or maybe not. I do find it strange that some writers put BB in the same category as BR.

I'm sorta convinced by the geek argument. In that vein, out of all the folks who love this film, I wonder what percentage are male...? I ask because, "Brain surgeon, physicicst, comic book hero and rock star all in one how can you miss the charm and magic of a character like that" is a perfect quote for demonstrating the high testosterone quotient in this film. Count the chick characters... yeah I'm struggling to think of more than two. Okay, I know it's comedy, but it's just so obviously for the boys that all the humor fails to save it for me (but High Fidelity is a guy movie, and I loved it...) Maybe I should give it another try. BTW, no more foreigner comments or jokes please -- save them for Borat!


Being a HUGE fan myself which up unitl recently I could not have told you exactly why, I have found it one of those movies that was hard to get others into if they werent already. which at some point got me thinking that that was it if you could enjoy or "get" something that felt like the last chapter of a book you never read with minimal clues or info on the story then you belonged to someting greater or whatever. I saw this in the theater in LA opening night and have lost count at the number of viewings and still never get tired of it.

"John Bigboote you are the weakest individual I ever know"


I love it & I'm female (and also not American) - I didn't get it the first time I saw it, but the second time I was utterly hooked. And as for the lack of female characters, I don't think you have to be male to identify with a male character in a film- and even if you did, this is so campy and full of pretty men anyway- it was the eighties!I can't see much evidence of testosterone (except for Rawhide's character)

The deuce you say!


I love it and I'm female AND American. (but I was born in Europe; does that count???)

I also love the lack of female characters. (just like in King Arthur, the men are FINE!! HOT!! SEXY!! ETC)

"Now I know we're not in Kansas anymore"


hahah this movie is the best, I just introduced my wife to this movie tonight. She loved it! She got all the camp and weird humour and asked for several reviewings of the same scene, especially the John Bigboote flipping the bird to Lord Whorfin! 10/10, I so want a leather jacket with BB back-to-back on the rear.
Another fav scene was the final walk, Notice how Tommy is suddenly wearing a totally different outfit at the end? It was like these are the clothes to look like BB :P



Everybody else mostly said what I was thinking about, why this movie is so great .


And what about the sight gags??? "Sined . . . . seeled . . . . delivered" ??

The observation window in the surgery room reflecting Banzai performing brain surgery while the person watching behind the window eats a plate of spaghetti??

John Lithgow's performance in this was his best, most over-the-top ever . . .

"Laugh-a while you can, monkeyboy!!"

"Where are we going?"
"And when are we going there?"



I love movies, love sci-fi, love cult films... and I thought this was poor. Not terrible, but not good either.

I had read on the Internet that this was a cult classic, and then I read the blurb and it sounded brilliant! Then I watched it and was so dissapointed. :(

The comments from DrMario in the previous post sums up my feelings perfectly.


Two more points on why I think this is not just a cult classic, but (truly) one of the best films ever made:

1: Every second of footage contains something interesting. there is absolutely zero filler. When there isn't a clever line of dialogue, there is a brilliant sight gag. -Often 2 or 3 at the same time. 99% of movies, even ones I love, contain lots of filler. Some shots & dialogue exist only to get you to the next point in the movie. Not BB, EVERYTHING is important. -That's why you can watch it dozens of times and still be entertained.

2: The interpersonal relationships all seem important. You can really feel the characters responding to each other. This is far, far, FAR different than more sci fi or action films. (I'm not explaining this as well as I wanted to, but you know what I mean.)

Parting thought:

A lot of the humor in this film requires effort on the part of the viewer. It requires attention to detail, and intelligence. This 'aint "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective."


its bad but certainly not bottom 100 material

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


Its bad..Really bad!

I dont even think its worthy of cult status!


Damn, and I really liked being a cult fan of this too. But if you say it's unworthy, well, that's good enough for me.

What other movies do you not like? Please give me a full list, and I'll clean out my video shelf immediately.

If it's not too much trouble, include an itemised list of foods you don't like and music you don't listen to, so I can clear out my cupboards and MP3 collection as well.

In fact, just give me your telephone number. It'll be much easier for me to dress myself in the mornings if I can pre-screen the day's outfit with you before leaving the house.

That is, assuming you approve of the brand of telephone I use to call you. I'll need your mailing address so I can forward you the owner's manual, just to be sure.

-- Rob


I've always been surprised at the number of people who insist on telling other people why they shouldn't like something.



Oh wow...I'm soooo put in my place. I didnt like nor think a movie was worth cult status. If you like this sorta crap your welcome to it. If your taste in movies represents your tastes in everything else..well it says everything! Quit trolling because someone didnt like a movie you do!

Please excuse any spelling and/or grammatical errors. I'm dyslexic.I do my best!


Because it's friggin' awesome.


yeah, i agree with you. i don't understand why some call this a spoof to sci-fi flicks. it's just a VERY POORLY-SHOT action film claiming itself a sci-fi. VERY POOR. it's shameful for anybody to call it a sci-fi piece. in Butthead's voice: "Yes, this sucks. This sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before."


"i don't understand why some call this a spoof to sci-fi flicks. it's just a VERY POORLY-SHOT action film claiming itself a sci-fi."

Well Mr Bond, call me old fashioned, but when a film contains jokes, hilarious ham-acting, ridiculous villains, excellent visual gags, aliens with names such as: John Bigbootay and John Smallberries, spacecraft, overthrusters, mad scientists, and more 80's sci-fi cheese than you could shake a stick at; it usually qualifies as a sci-fi comedy. This film completely deserves it's cult status and more. The amount of films that have referenced and paid homage to it over the years should be proof enough that Buckaroo Banzai has impacted on a number of well-respected modern day film makers. Wes Anderson, the Wachowski brothers, and Vincenzo Natali to name a few. Fair play if it's not your thing, but you cant possibly say it's not a comedy, and you'd have to be farking blind to say it's not sci-fi!!


i dunno if yer a troll or not, but no self respecting junior buckaroo would ever imitate a beavis and butthead voice. EVAR.

So, suffice it to say, i don't think this movie was for you.

Children of the 90s will either have to try extra hard to get it, or just give up and watch Power Rangers. Don't feel so bad, I thought 'Gone with the Wind' sucked ass.


I don't find this to be a spoof. 'Spaceballs' is a spoof. The 'Scary Movie' franchise is a spoof. This is a movie based on a comic book, or so I hear.

One of the qualities that makes this movie great is that it's mysterious. The science is never really explained in detail, which seems effective. We simply get the fundamentals. There's an 8th dimension. To get there you need an 'oscillation overthruster' which I gotta say is a pretty cool name for a gizmo. There's a Planet Ten (or Planet X). There's an alien technology that can transfer information through an electrical discharge (very Arthur C. Clarke). Then there's the observation that solid matter is not really solid at all (real science).

It's movies like this that have the potential to inspire wonder about the universe; That there's always something beyond our given senses, something we can't even begin to fathom.

Another thing that makes this movie cool is that it has a team of good guys. What kid hasn't imagined being part of a team of heroes? Plus there was the kid (I forget his name) who was part of the Bonzai Blue Blaze Irregulars. And he even made a contribution. He had the confidence of his elders that, in spite of his age, he could do what needed to be done to win a battle. I ask again, what kid hasn't identified with that? To be given serious responsibility and a role that is taken seriously by adults? To be given a chance to prove himself?

There's really too much to name. I haven't seen a good sci-fi movie like this in years. Heck, I just saw 'Mission to Mars' on HBO and, despite what appears to be a higher budget, that movie sucked ass! No heart. No imagination. Nothing inspired. No mystery. Everything explained in laborious, tiresome detail. Contrived bonds between the principal characters--Boring!

Water on Mars? Big deal. 'Total Recall' did a better job with that plot element. But I digress...


Blue BlazeR Irregulars...another pun.

A blue blazer is a ubiquitous form of attire most (US) boys had at some point in their life. Teamed with khakis and a white shirt, most (US) moms thought us to be as "well dressed" as we could get. Still a basic "uniform" item of a frat boy.

Irregulars? when you're growing up, it's pretty common (or was in the days before kids dictated parents actions) to buy "irregular" clothing, like something with a small pick in the fabric or the sleeves slightly too long, as it was cheaper because the kid was going to outgrow it in 6-7 months anyway. Also known as "seconds".

And the comic came out after the movie.


The movie sucks and is stupid because YOU can't understand it. It's stupid because YOU can't understand it? Possibly you have things backwards.


i find it interesting that a "cult" movie rates only 5.9/10 -- any examples of other cult movies that rate so low? or are cult movies generally rated low so as to be kept underground by their fans?


Those numbers are averages. By definition a cult movie will have a core of enthusiastic fans while the larger audience doesn't see the appeal. I'm betting there are lots of "3's" and "9's".
