I saw this movie when it first came out and was like....What The Hell Is This???
Second Time seeing it: I GOT IT!!! and it was TERRIFIC!!!
Buckaroo Bonzai is an ULTIMATE CULT CLASSIC.....you should have this movie with you if you land on a deserted island.....especially if you like the '80's.... very, very '80's
It's "BIG BOOTAY"!!! "BIG BOOTAY"!!! by the way
1) you have an All Star Cast of actors.....all Terrific
2) Dr. Emilio Lezardo and "Big Bootay" are priceless, best acting ever by Lithgow...he's like my favorite character....
3) This movie outdoes all 3 of the latest Star Wars movies put together.....sorry, but it does....
4) Most movies in the 90's and '00's have been crap compared to this.
you can tell that they put excellent work into this......
5) The B-movie cheesiness just works so well with this movie, it needs to have it
6) This movie is up there as a Cult with "Rocky Horror", "Mad Max", Blade Runner, "Dune"...etc.
7) Ellen Barkin is "Hott" in this.....
8) I want the Soundtrack....nothing beats the music.....and the end march is just great with it.....I watch it all the way through, every time
I love all the "Dr. Lezardo" scenes from where he's giving himself electroshocks to arguing with "BIG BOOTAY"
Big Bootay might flick Lezardo off, but he shoots Bootay in the ship......so, Shut Up Monkey Boy.....