Best. Line. Ever.

Shut up, John Big-booty, you coward. You're the weakest individual I ever know!

*Snort. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


Shut up, Big-booty, you coward. You are the weakest individual I ever know.
For me it's when Bigboote lunges toward Whorfin, giving him the bird.

Feed me a stray cat.




my favorite is definately :

"Just remember... no matter where you go *nod*.. there you are."


"It's your HAND, Buckaroo."


"Don't you see it! Evil, pure and simple from the 8th dimension!"

The beauty of this movie is that it's chock-full of wonderful quotes.


this phrase has become part of my lexicon and I have routinly referred to a number of people in this manner over that last 20 years...although I just shorten it to pointing at the person and saying "EVIl, Pure and Simple from the Eighth Dimension.

Amazing how stuff like that sticks to you


"Why is there a watermelon there?"

"I'll tell you later."

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma -- Patrick Star


Emilio Lizardo:Sealed with a curse,as sharp as a knife. DOOMED IS YOUR SOUL AND DAMNED IS YOUR LIIIIFE!

Buckaroo looking shagged out after being electric shocked:B,b buzz off!



Best line of the movie, IMHO, is "Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!"

I actually had a fan t-shirt once upon a time w/ this printed on the back and the Yoyodyne logo on the front. Genius.

All bleeding eventually stops.



Yeah! that's a classic :-)


"Laugh-a while-a you can, Monkey-boy!"

“President's calling, Buckaroo.”
“President of what?"

"Damn John Whorfin and the horse he rode in on!"

"Yes on one, NO on two." (Buckaroo answering question of whether to just "go ahead and bomb Russia.")


It's not a standout line, but I use it when the occasion calls for it.

It's from Rawhide:

"We're busy people here."

Just the way he says it with that, "Don't be *beep* around." look. I love it! :)


I also love that one too. And it was delivered by exactly the right person. Rawhide.



What's in the big pink box?


The masks for the eyes so they can see the men from the 8th dimension when they watch the holographic film!
Don't forget some of the aliens were good ones.



They're not from the 8th dimension. They're from planet 10. The 8th dimension is a prison of sorts the Black Lectroids sent John Whorfin and his cohorts to. The Black Lectroids are good, the Red Lectroids are the bad ones.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


sorry its gotta be:

no matter where you go, there you are.


where are we going?

planet 10

when are we going?

real soon.

always gets me.


My favorite line is when the General says to the President:

"I hope I speak for all of us when I say I'm scared. I'm barely holding my fudge in right now."

Or something to that effect..

"Guess I remembered the safety that time, you bastard." - Gale Weathers


Literally-- line after line is one to remember and quote.
Peter Weller rocks as Buckaroo and everyone else --especially Dr Lazordo-- is fantastic.
I love it at the end of the movie, when the pilot wants to know if he is supposed to bomb Russia or not! Priceless. and remember this movie was made in the 80s.


My favorite line is when the General says to the President:

"I hope I speak for all of us when I say I'm scared. I'm barely holding my fudge in right now."

The following line was classic as well:

"Stop acting like a goddamn schoolgirl, General!"


This has always been my favorite part because of the delivery...and the fact that you can see half of the aliens aren't even paying attention. Especially the one who does the fist in the air while reading the paper. Wonderful.


"Where are we going?"

"Planet 10!"

"When are we going?"

"Real soon!"

Yeah, that's one of my favorites, too, along with the 'watermelon' scene.


I think it's a toss-up between 'Laugh while you can, Monkey-Boy', and 'Don't pull on that, you don't know what it's attached to' in the brain-surgery sequence...

Not that I think they're the 'best lines ever', but they always make me laugh.


My favorite would have to be.....

Buckaroo Banzai: Let her out.
Female Prisoner: Hey, me too.
Perfect Tommy: Let her out?
Buckaroo Banzai: That's right, let her out. I'll be responsible.
Perfect Tommy: But she's a killer.
Buckaroo Banzai: No, she's not. Now, let her out and give her your coat.
Perfect Tommy: Why me?
Buckaroo Banzai: Because you're perfect.
Perfect Tommy: You have a point there.

Have to love Perfect Tommy......=)

Don't judge me.... If you don't know me....


"This is not my goddamned planet, UNDERSTAND, Monkey Boy?"


And let's not forget the voice on the PA system at Yoyodyne sounding as if they are about to fall asleep announcing, "Warning. Warning. There are Monkey Boys loose in the facility." Half these lines are made hilarious strictly on the I love this movie. The only action comedy I liked more was it's "sequel".



I like the following part (not quoted exactly)

The president wants to now if the alien situation is resolved or if they should just blow up Russia?

"Yes on one. No on two."

Just the fact that it's a question that deserves a very concise answer.

Hi! I'm.... Tommy, and I'm your friend to the end. Hi Di Ho. Ha ha ha.


The only action comedy I liked more was it's "sequel".

whats that then?

the fudge line cracked me up again more than the others i've just read.
but theres lotsa great ones!


"we are not in the 8th dimension, we are somewhere over new jersey".

one of my favs.


There was a script floating around for the sequel that you learn about after the credits(I think it was supposed to be called "Buckaroo Bonzai Vs. The World Crime League"). The movie was a flop so they never made the sequel. However, the script made it into the hands of John Carpenter who re-wrote it and made "Big Trouble In Little China".

The maestro says its Mozart but it sounds like bubblegum.
