Am I the only one who doesn't understand...
WTF? I consider myself a cinefile, I remember every single movie I have ever seen and absolutely love sci-fi, but this movie completely stumps me! What the hell is going on, why was this ever made and is it really suppose to be funny?
I find to be very strange, but I assume it's suppose to be, just like Mars Attacks - for example, is it set in the future and if it is, why does everyone dress like they're from the past?
As a viewer, I don't feel included in the film's bizarre world...I don't know, it may just be one of those movies you have to see more than once to appreciate. There definitely was a lot going on and not a lot fully explained. No, I don't need my hand held, but why is Buckaroo a neurosurgeon/race car driver/rock star and also a superhero? I know you have to suspend reality and open your mind, but this movie may be a little too much for me.
Oh, and by the way, I loved Peter Weller as RoboCop!
"Get away from her, you BITCH!!!"