Harry Stone Character

I thought I had mentioned this before but can't find the post.

The character of the judge was named Harry and written as an amateur magician and Mel Torme Fan before Harry Anderson auditioned for the role.
Can you imagine what the casting directors must have been thinking when Anderson walked into the room and described himself to them?


I know he was into magic, but was he really a Mel Torme fan? I always assumed it was just a joke in the show.


He really was.


That's a strange person to be a massive fan of.


Anderson was more than into magic, he was a seasoned professional. I heard him lecture a few years before he died and he was very knowledgeable about magic and performance.


I'm sure he came up with all the tricks on the show himself.


Speaking from the stand point of someone who was involved in the art of magic for more than 40 years, it was entirely possible that he did just that.
Reading Michael Caveney's book "Wise Guy", it could see where he came up with most if not all of the stunts on the show.
