MovieChat Forums > Charles in Charge (1984) Discussion > Who's prettier, Nicole or Josie???

Who's prettier, Nicole or Josie???

Nicole was obviously the pretty one on C.I.C. Her character was supposed to be the teen pinup/bombshell. But in real life, Josie Davis is way prettier then her. If you compare pictures of both of them now, Josie makes Nicole look kinda homely. What do you guys think?


I always thought Sarah was prettier than jamie

The World Will Look Up And Shout "Save Us!" And I'll Whisper...Why So Serious?!


Nicole: She was gorgeous then & now!!

& Scott Baio was just dreamy!! had to add that in there ...


Josie was always more my type of girl, and now she's just... wow!

So I pick her, and would have 25 years ago.


I say Josie Davis. Just look at her scene in "Sonny" and you'll see why.


Back in the day Nicole was definitely prettier. There was really no doubt about that. But your question depends. If I were to answer it in 2006, when you posted the question, I still would have said Nicole. However, in 2012 I will call it a tie. I think many people today would say Josie, but for me it is a tough call. I still find Nicole very pretty and attractive. So as of right now I will call it a tie, but the answer may change in a few years.




back then it was Nicole by a longshot. But now, Josie all the way. She looks even better after her nose job too.

but I was always a Jennifer Runyon kinda guy. Liking those girls was a bit too pedo


I wouldn't say Homely. I am leaning towards Josie, though.


On this show, it never occurred to me because of them being teenagers, plus the girls of Charles' age (or older!) were the ones that drew my attention. But when I first saw Josie Davis on The Young and the Restless around the late 90s, she looked familiar, but I wasn't sure, then I realized, Oh, it's that girl from Charles in Charge! Whoa! She REALLY grew up to be attractive!


When I first watched the show, I preferred Josie. Now I prefer Nicole.
