What made Airwolf(the chopper) so cool...
* the pressure-sensitive seats that would automatically turn on the cockpit controls
* Learning flight/combat computer
* Silent hover/flight mode
* Radar/Radio Jammer
* Helmet Targeting
* start button instead of ignition
* sunbursts
* Mach-1 capability(the turbos)
* stealth capabilities
* the ADF pod
* armored air frame
* the infrared scanners and radar system
* capable of stratospheric altitude
* in-air refueling capable
* VR-simulator hook in
sure the chopper is dated-looking, but if you think about the engineering marvel that it was(on-screen) pretty f-en fantastic and futuristic.
If I were to do a new Airwolf, it wouldn't have rotors, but be something based on the F-117 but with VTOL capability.