MovieChat Forums > WarGames (1983) Discussion > Great movie, bad musical score

Great movie, bad musical score

Just finished watching this movie and I loved it. The pacing, effects, acting and writing are all great. I also enjoyed the technology as it seemed like a good representation of 80s/90s phone and computer hacking.

The only beef I have with the film is the musical score. Especially in the beginning. The film starts with this incredibly serious and tense scene with the guys in the launch control room. One guy ends up pointing a gun at the other. In my mind, I was like 'holy crap this movie is going to be awwwweessommme.' Then it immediately goes to opening credits with shots around the army base and this cheesy, campy music that sounds like it was meant for a military comedy (Stripes, Down Periscope, Sgt Bilko etc). Totally killed the mood. It got a bit better throughout the movie, but man did it bother me. I mean, if the movie was a comedy or even a dark comedy that music might fit, but it is a straight up action thriller. Give us some more ominous 80s synth tones or something to fit the theme. Anyone else?


Yeah, the orchestral blast right after Joshua says "to win the game" is really bad and heavy-handed.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


True! The score was completely misfitting.


I completely agree about the opening credits. Between the upbeat marching-band music and the (unintentionally?) funny looking soldier, it seems more fitting to Gomer Pyle. That being said, I thought the rest of the score was fine, especially the closing music with the harmonica.


The composer who did the score says that over the years, the one thing of his that the most people tell him they love is "the harmonica music in Wargames." When he said that, I thought "Figures. That music makes me want to @#$%ing puke. Why, why must people in general have such lousy taste?" =P


Yeah I didn't like the harmonica parts.




I don't know, I thought it was unique and fit the film well.

They really are rude to Americans! - Al Bundy on the French


It was fine at the time and blended in with other 1983-era music, but yeah, it hasn't dated well, has it? Well, maybe one day we'll invent a crystal ball that works so that filmmakers can avoid embarrassing situations like this one. ;)


You didn't like the haunting "And you can even take a stand" score theme?

It was great. . . our print at the Park Terrace in OKC had the words. . .


Hope you're reading this even 10 years later but you're SO right. I rewatched it last night (Dec 2024) and it reminded me more of STRIPES and Sgt. Hulka atop the EM 50 assault vehicle.

Mr. Rubinstein wrote a very nice main theme (only introduced on Goose Island in the freaking middle of the film!) but the rest of the score is atrocious - it feels like they temp-tracked it with E. Bernstein's STRIPES (which in itself is a great score - but only for a military comedy, not a serious WW3 scenario).

This film could have been so much better with a different score by Goldsmith, Horner or Williams.


Did you know the very nice main theme actually has words to it ?
