MovieChat Forums > To All a Goodnight (1980) Discussion > Is this the plainest looking cast ever a...

Is this the plainest looking cast ever assembled for a slasher?

Other than Nancy and to a certain extent Melody, the rest of the cast were so plain looking and some even ugly.

And why did they tease us with Melody's breasts almost coming out but they never show it 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


I thought Jennifer Runyon was super adorable when this came out back when I was in high school and I still do today. I agree with you about the others, though.

No blah, blah, blah!


you've not seen "madman" from 1981

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'


Looking plain isn't bad. I thought it was good that the cast basically looked like people that could have been your neighbor or classmate. Would you rather that they all looked like models? Movies like that are completely unrealistic in their casting. On a lighter note, It's crazy how young Jennifer Runyon is in this. Also, practically no one that starred in this ever did much else.


I disagree. It has a quality cast of women:

- Linda Gentile as Melody
- Angela Bath as Trisha (unfortunately, she's removed a little too prematurely)
- Jennifer Runyon as Nancy, the winsome protagonist, aka "final girl"
- Lisa Labowskie as Cynthia, the blonde who doesn't last long.

- Even Judith Bridges as "plain Jane" Leia has a certain appeal in a girl-next-door way.

I've seen slashers with with a way worse female cast. The recent "Final Summer" comes to mind.


'And why did they tease us with Melody's breasts almost coming out but they never show it'

This should amount to a criminal offence in 80s slashers.
