MovieChat Forums > Superman III (1983) Discussion > Why doesn't Clark Kent change into Super...

Why doesn't Clark Kent change into Superman...

When he fights the other Superman over on the other side, Clark fights him as a normal man & won't change into the true Superman until after the battle. I just never understood that u know? Why keep struggling to fight as Clark Kent when he usually changes into the Man of Steel in emergencies? Dealing with a tougher & meaner Superman is definitely an emergency!! Can somebody give me a really good explanation to this?


The evil Superman was wearing the suit. Superman only has 1 suit


Uhhh ok makes sense but wanted more of a bigger breakdown of it.


Also if both Superman were wearing the suit, we wouldn't know which one to root for


Sure you would mills! The supes with the scowl is the evil supes!!


If Clark opens his shirt he reveals a brighter cleaner suit underneath so we already know & Clark does reveal the Superman suit but only after he beats the bad one. I know that they separated & stuff but Clark was still Superman underneath.


Clark cannot change into Superman until he knocks off the other one. For that Clark renews Superman as a whole because their powers are split during the fight with Clark taking on more of it as the fight goes on and eventually he grabs all of it back to win the battle. Pretty simple.


Yea that's true. Do u think that Superman would've just died eventually because of the Kryptonite & stuff? He did act like he was feeling sick before the Clark Kent fight.


I don't understand your confusion.

First of all, this is a battle between 'good' (Clark) and 'evil' (Dark Superman). No matter what happens visually or physically, this is supposed to be an inner struggle that the good man wins against the evil one.

The symbolism of 'powerful evil' vs. 'normal/weak man' seems to have escaped you completely - talk about 'woosh'.

Also, Clark never 'changes' into anything - he doesn't need to suit to be powerful. In other words, Superman's power does NOT come from the suit, he ALWAYS has the power, regardless of what he is wearing or whom he pretends to be (after all, he is really Kal-El, not Superman, not Clark Kent, so maybe it would've been even more interesting to have Kal-El fight Superman, but never mind)..

Your confusing is really baffling - this is the ONLY scene that makes any sense in this movie, the only scene worth watching, the only scene that's good, interesting, intense and 'Supermanny'.

Superman is not just muscles and heat beams, Superman is also preservence of human spirit (otherplanetarians, that people insultingly call 'aliens', are still human beings, because spirit dictates all, not the physical form), Superman is also intelligence, bravery, courage and daring.

Superman is the inner strength of man, not the physical muscles, not the special effects, not the fancy suit to dazzle the eye and make people mesmerized, not the S-logo, not the 'handsome face'.

Superman, as this scene clearly shows, is the inner power to conquer and vanquish your more animalistic, more brutal, barbaric self so he can treat everyone equally as human beings.

This scene also symbolizes everyone's struggle against the lower urges. The physical body needs many things, but if you always give in to all of its urges, you lose your humanity and you live as a half-demon, slave to the carnal desires, which leads to misery, suffering and chaos around you (think of any alcoholic, drug-addict or feminist).

Superman shows the human can win.


When he split into two beings, it was actually happening more or less in his psyche. His good persona fighting his bad persona. They were both super powered, as evidenced by the "evil" Superman throwing Clark into the car crusher and Clark finally bursting out of it, unharmed.


Um...Clark Kent struggled to get rid of the other Superman so the powers wasn't equal.
