I think if they try to remake it, it would loose what this movie had, authentic Bradbury feel(he DID write the screenplay, after all). Bradbury said it was one of his favorite adaptations(it kept true to his gist). I, personally, liked it. Did it suffer from the time it was released(because it couldn't have been all it COULD be, as the book painted it to be)? Sure, but as it is, I think it's a solid movie with some great acting(and awesome dialog). Pryce sold me on Mr. Dark!
Other than that, to tell you the truth, a remake would be a tough sell. This is the problem with modern movies(and I'm not going to go all "Back in my day..." yadda yadda). Movies aren't merely remade, but are rebooted. They are tweaked to become something new, different. That usually means, "Whatever popular trend is out there nowadays, let's remake the movie and cash in on THAT!". To be blunt, there aren't much stake in family aimed serious movies anymore. Something like THIS, a children's story that aims for family appeal, that is serious in tone with dark moments just cannot sell. You'd either have to make it a rated-R horror flick(and by doing that, you'd have to change the characters to be older, because children-aimed horror doesn't sell like back in the 80s), or dumb it down to aim for the "lowest common denominator" skids that love the CG Smurfs or CG Chipmunks movies, with added fart and poop jokes, nods to Katy Perry, twerking and all that crap. I think that while special effects, computer graphics and the such have improved, tolerance regarding different styles has regressed. Mainstream taste dictates how movies are made. You can't go maverick and say, "I'm going to make this MY way!" and expect to get funded. Guillermo del Toro wanted to make true to book adaptation of H.P. Lovecrafts At the Mountains of Madness. No studio would greenlight it unless he changed it by setting it in the modern times, put in a lot of pop culture references and tacked on a female character for the sole purpose of a romance sub-plot. Yes, this is the world we live in. Of course, you can always go the Indie route, and while you have more freedom to make the movie YOU wanna make, don't expect to have the budget to toss around for all the best state-of-the-art SFX.
In short, I just cannot see this movie being remade better, less being a bastardized sellout version.