24 Year difference

Something I thought about recently! It's stated that Gina was 19 during the events of the movie when Tony says to her "You're gonna beat yourself to death at 19!?" And if Tony himself was the same age as Pacino at the time (early 40's) then that's a massive age gap between siblings. Cualquiera diria que es la hija! Just how young was mama Montana when she gave birth to Tony? And how old was she when she conceived Gina? Not to the mention the actress Miriam Colon was only four years older than Pacino in real life and didn't look that old to begin with! Was this an oversight by the filmmakers?

Not to mention, not to mention that the actress was Puerto Rican, not Cuban. But I digress!


I don't think Tony's age is ever specified. Maybe he was only 10 years or so older than Gina. Even 15 years is reasonably possible. So he could be in his early to mid 30s. Sure, he may look older, but that's caused by hard time in Cuba, eating octopus 3 times a day


I think his wiki page says that's he was supposed to be in his mid 30's (35 - 36). So I don't know!

And I didn't know that a diet of octopus 3x a day made you age quicker! 😁


*Puerto Rico is the capitol city of Cuba


Really!? 😁


Miami is the capital of Cuba


danke for the correcion


And Cuba is the capital of Miami


No, Bolivia is the capital of Miami and Miami is the capital of Bolivia

Havana is the capital of Cuba.


Miami is a city, therefore doesn't have a capital. I learned this yesterday. You are wrong


I think you're wrong, cities can have capitals, Kamala said so.


I pay no attention to her. Thats your problem. Just trust me with this


If you are insinuating she's lying then that means that you are racist and sexist.


Thats your problem. You think any criticism of a minority is because of racism. Please stay home on election day


If you criticize a minority for any reason then it’s racism (unless of course it’s a Republican). That’s what Kamala said.


Queenbob, do you have a source for that?


Don’t misgender me, that’s literally violence.



Hmmmm, milsey is that you? Did you accidentally reply to me under the wrong account?


Milsey is not one of my accounts. I think I am now down to only craigycunt (when I want to be a tough genius type of guy) and b1chsurn and jwilly. Oh, and littlemike also. I use that one when I want to post openly gay stuff.


Ok bud, glad we understand each other. Just make sure you don’t get your accounts mixed up.


Yeah, sometimes I screw up and type something halfway intelligent from my jowilli account. I only try to use that one when I am wanting to type mentally retarded shit.


I don’t know who jowilli is.


To be fair, it is not at all uncommon for many latina families to have huge age gaps with siblings. Many women keep having babies well into their 50's. So this detail in the movie doesn't surprise me at all and makes perfect sense. My own grandmother had 13 kids total. I have aunts and uncles that are only a couple of years older than me and one uncle that is my age 😁


The correct term is “Latinx”. The terms “Latino” and “Latina” are racist and Anti-Trans.


I not “Latinx” KingBob. You are. (Gunshot to the stomach.)


No, I attended a workshop where a white, liberal gender studies major told me that was the appropriate term. That means “Latinx” is the way you are supposed to address those people.


Sure KingBob, sure!

Maybe you can handle yourself some of them Latinx tickets to the Resurrection!


If you don't do what I say and use the term Latinx I'll have to cancel your fuckin' contract.


Dude, you are waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind the times!

Elected officials, a major newspaper and the oldest Latino civil rights organization in the U.S. have all spoken out strongly in recent weeks against the continued use of "Latinx," the gender-neutral term promoted by progressives to describe people of Spanish-speaking origin.



Latinx Civil Rights Organizations don’t really hold much weight in this discussion. The terms “Latino” and “Latina” are inherently anti-trans and bigoted. Trust me I know all about this, a gender studies major told me so.


So long KingBob. Have a good trip.


Hey Google, translate "non-binary" to Spanish

no binario (masculine)
no binaria (feminine)
