Hidden from the empire at birth

Yet kept the same name Skywalker.


There wasn't a local courthouse to provide the legal forms and documents required to change a last name.


Why should the empire care about a bunch of farmer on Tatooine? Do you expect Tarkin is checking his tax directory for the name Skywalker? Palpatine never showed interest in the Outer Rim at all and Darth Vader hated Tatooine, even more since the Tusken killed his mother. So why should anyone look out for the name?
In the end, it is more surprising why no one tracked down the real mother of Leia. Bail was always at least a pain for Palpatine and Leia just popped up. I can't believe only one person made a connection between Bail and Amidala.


That'd be a waste of time since according to Episode 3 Leia's mother died right after giving birth to her and Luke.


perhaps 'Skywalker' was a common last name on Tatooine so keeping it would help Luke blend in


Who else shared that last name?


I don't know of anyone else who had that last name. That's why I was merely suggesting the possibility that it was a common last name on Tatooine in order to explain why they kept the name 'Skywalker' for Luke.


The reason why Luke kept his last name of Skywalker was because Lucas decided during episode 5 that Vadar was going to be Lukes father


Rey of course


But Rey wasn't born yet and her name didn't become Skywalker till the end of episode 9


Sorry, I assumed (given your posting history) that we were just talking nonsense. But you are correct.


When did I ever post nonsense?


In the expanded universe there were Luke's neighbors who also had the name "Skywalker", it was a nice couple named Joe and Jill Skywalker with their children Ashley and Hunter Skywalker.

On Tatooine the name Skywalker is kind of like the name "Smith" or "Johnson" here on Earth.


What else do you know about Joe and Jill Skywalker? They sound as interesting as Joe and Jill Biden. I'd love to see a spinoff movie about this family


Not much was told about them except they were Owen and Beru’s neighbors. They probably would have bought C-3PO and R2D2 had Owen passed on the deal.


I wonder if Jill Skywalker was a doctor? I bet Joe Skywalker was paid off by the empire


There never was any indication that they had any kind of allegiance to either the Empire or the Rebellion

Also who are Joe and Jill Biden? I've seen all of the Star Wars movies, in fact I am a Star Wars expert and I don't seem to remember them.
