Leia wasn't remembering Padmé
The scene where she and Luke were talking about their real parents actually still works if you interpret it a certain way.
You see, the argument goes that Princess Leia could not have remembered Padmé Amidala, hers and Luke's birth mother, because she died right after she had the twins. Some argue that Leia had a Force imprint from Padmé in her mind. However, this doesn't really make much sense, because Luke should have had one too, and Padmé wasn't Force Sensitive like her children or husband were.
An interesting aside here: if you read the novelization of ROTJ, during this scene, Luke has a brief Force vision of a dying woman in a "hospital" setting, with two babies, meaning him and Leia.
However, another way to interpret this is, Leia was remembering a different mother than Padmé. Remember that she was adopted by Bail Organa, who was the consort of Queen Breha Organa, ruler of Alderaan. You see them briefly in one scene near the end of ROTS, where he brings baby Leia to the Queen, and she falls in love with the baby immediately. So the "kind, but sad" woman Leia was remembering could easily have been Breha Organa, and she most certainly could have died when Leia was very young, leaving her to be raised as a child and a teenager by Bail Organa.