Hell no. Empire Strike Back was the greatest cinematic event to be alive for. Everyone knows Empire was the best.
Jedi was just a bunch of teddy bears running around.
The final act of Return of the Jedi was the beginning of the decline of Star Wars. It starts out really dark and grim with Jabba's Palace and then it ends with all these carebears running around in a forest. It was a joke when it came out to a lot of fans , apart from all the other good parts of the film, the Tatooine sequence, the final showdown with Vader and the Emperor. But the Ewoks were stupid. The Ewoks were almost as hated as the prequels, until they came out. George Lucas only did the Ewoks because he had kids at the time and wanted to appeal to young audiences. That's why he made Jar Jar too.
Return of the Jedi was good, but.. not even the best of the Trilogy. Empire and A New Hope are both better.