The whole plan was that Luke would defeat Vader, then attack Emperor.
Emperor was, as anyone should know, WELL-equipped to handle some young punk with a feeble lightsaber, 'a Jedi's weapon', that the Emperor sarcastically laughed at. Luke wouldn't have been able to kill the Emperor no matter what he tried to do, and during the 'attempt' to kill him, Luke would've given in more and more to the dark side, grown to hate the Emperor more and more, and eventually flipped completely, rendering him evil and ..
.. yeah, I still don't get how he would've become Emperor's servant, though. I realize that to fall to the dark side, you have to give in to hate, but how and why would you start to SERVE someone you hate so passionately?
Luke defeated Vader in anger, exactly because he temporarily slipped into the dark side (so it was more powerful despite what Yoda said), but Luke would never have served Vader even if Luke had lost, no matter how angry Luke had become. Why would you serve someone you hate?
So amost nothing about Emperor's plan makes any sense, except 'make Luke angry so Luke slips into dark side'. What was that plan on then changing him from hating you to serving you? Or could Emperor somehow hypnotize Luke to hate something else but not the Emperor?
Would he lose all his reason, so he can't understand or remember that Emperor manipulated him into becoming a servant of evil forces? HOW was all this supposed to work?
I'd like to see the 'Emperor's plan succeeded' version so I can make SOME sense out of it..
Of course knowing Lucas's 'writing abilities', I am convinced he doesn't know how to make sense out of it, either. This cameraman just wanted to make a movie or three.