Victory Celebration or Yub Nub?

I grew up with the 2004 editions, with the Victory Celebration song at the end, as opposed to Yub Nub. I vastly prefer the Victory Celebration, I think it's one of Williams' best works, and a perfect way to end the trilogy.

What are your thoughts on the two? Which do you prefer?


Even as a kid I hated that stupid Yub Nub song, it just made me feel unclean to listen to it. The new music is so much better and gives us a much more dramatic sense of finality and that Anakin has finally found peace with himself after a very tortuous life.


Definitely Victory Celebration. While I also grew up with the special editions, I never cared for Yub Nub, even as a kid. It sounds so stupid, and lame, and anti-climactic.


Yub Nub, it is the ending I grew up with and it just fits better in my opinion. I will admit though that my choice is largely nostalgia related reasons.


The Special Editions are heresy.
