MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Discussion > Mysterious scene between Jabba and the d...

Mysterious scene between Jabba and the dancing slave girl

I watched this movie in the theaters, when it first came out in 1983. Ever since, I have been wondering about the dancing scene in Jabba's palace, near the beginning of the film.

Jabba starts pulling on the chain attached to one of the dancing girls, and he is saying something to her. She is obviously protesting. Then Jabba hits the button for the trap door, and she falls below.

I've never really seen an explanation for this strange scene, but here's my theory. The pretty young slave girl's dancing got Jabba turned-on. He wanted a little "koochi" from the slave chick. She couldn't stand the idea of "doing it" with the fat slob. So Jabba fed her to the Rancor monster.

Other opinions?


It does look exactly the way you describe, but since Hutts are asexual, there's no way they could mate. So it doesn't really make any sense. The scene serves only as an excuse to show the trap door. Lazy writing is what it is. It's a shame.


Seeing a Hutt mate would be quite a sight


But why would a Hutt even want to mate with a human?

I think it was just dinnertime for the monster in the pit.

โ€œSeventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


I think the Oola character was supposed to have a larger role and survived. But like you said due to lazy writing and stuff it got cut short. Shame though, she was hot.


What? Never heard that before but in Jabba's case it's bullcrap. He definitely was aroused by the slave girl he kills and by Leia. He definitely wasn't asexual. Why even have any dancing girls at all if he's asexual? I don't know who wrote that but they were an idiot.


I took a different twist on it.

I took it that she was dancing and the rope kept getting in her way. She would mess with it which causes Jabba to pull on it which again causes her to fight with the rope.

Jabba got annoyed with her and killed her.


LOL I like that angle.


Maybe she knew she was gonna get licked tf up like Leia, so she decided to chance it with the Rancor. Considering that slimy sh!t sack that passes for Jabba's tongue, I can scarcely say I blame her.


I think Jabba just got bored and wanted to see her die. Her execution did seem to entertain his guests more than the dance, after all.


Absolutely Jabba wanted Oola to submit to him and get licked/fondled/whathaveyou.

Oola may have been a recent addition and not even aware there was a rancor below her.

Or death may have been preferable to her.

Or she panicked and forgot the rancor or didn't think Jabba would feed her to it.


I still remember in the original theatrical release and VHS and even DVD tapes afterwards, you can see Oola's naked boobies bouncing about as she protests against Jabba's advances...

I mean, how does stuff like that get missed in the 80's and 90's, but then magically is fixed up for the Blu-Ray Disc release that would have revealed a LOT more in glorious 1080p HD?


I figure either he was saying "Come here, baby" and she was protesting (because he's a hideous slug who likes to lick women) so he gets mad and drops her


he was saying "Come here baby" because he wants her to stand over the trap door, and she was protesting because she knows he's trying to feed her to the Rancor for lunch.



The novelization says "Jabba leered and beckoned the creature Oola to come and sit beside him. She stopped dancing instantly, a fearful look in her eye, and backed up, shaking her head. Apparently she had suffered such invitations before". And later on when Jabba catches Leia trying to rescue Han: "Foul beast that he was, Jabba poked his fat, dripping tongue out to the Princess, and slopped a beastly kiss squarely on her mouth." Eeww.

So yeah, Jabba was a dirty old man, er, Hutt.


Jabba was a pervert among perverts. He makes Tiberius and Caligula look like choirboys.

It's obvious he had a "thing" for humanoid females.
