Do NOT order this DVD!

Do NOT order this DVD! Take a look at the technical details listed for this film. The runtime is listed as 89 minutes. If you look at IMBD or even check the VHS version of this film sold on Amazon, you will see that the runtime is supposed to be 97 minutes! I have checked the Universal Studios website (which is releasing the film) and they also list the runtime as 89 minutes for the DVD. They have cut out a full 8 minutes! That is 8.25% of the film. That is a HUGE amount of time to be cut from this film. What have they cut out? Could it be the Betsy Russell topless horseback riding scene? The Bubba in the locker room scene, maybe? Since I can only guess, all I can imagine is that this is going to be a highly edited version of the film (something like you would be able to watch on Comedy Central or USA Network), in other words “edited for TV”. Where else are they going to cut 8 minutes from this film?
From all the posts that I have read both here and on Amazon, most of us have been waiting for years for this film to come out on DVD. I even preordered it the first time that it was supposed to be released in 2004. Now that it is finally going to be released the studio plans on F’ing all the fans. No, I think that we should say F the studio. I don’t think that anyone who is a fan of this film should order this DVD. And if you have already preordered, CANCEL your order. If the studio is not going to release the full version of this film, then they shouldn’t release it at all. And we the fans should not give them a dime for this crap! If anyone out there knows who to contact at Universal Studios to voice our dissapproval, please post it.


I own the VHS Copy of the movie and the runtime is 89 Minutes. So nothing should be cut from the DVD.


Scott16_16 is right- the version on VHS and the version that Encore used to show both ran 89 minutes- IMDB is somehow mistaken.


I also just checked my VHS tape and the running time is 89 minutes. BUY THE DVD.


Running RIGHT NOW here in Germany on the channel RTL2. Shower Scene and the dude in disguise.

Funny movie indeed.



My DVD has been shipped too.


Boy, this sure looks like a stupid post now doesn't it? Freaking out when you had no basis to do so. A lot of "What if they..." sentences. Even if it WAS cut, which it's not, it's on DVD now so what's the big deal? Just because they edited it means we shouldn't have it? Yeah, ok buddy...

Besides, why would they waste any money editing a movie like this that will probably lose them money to distribute? Think before you post next time...


seriously, what a freakout that was


There are some scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor that I have seen when Private School went to television (I wished they would have included that along with the trailers on this DVD). In any case, perhaps IMDB incorrectly counted that footage that did not make the theatrical version, but got put in the television version.


I remember waaaaay back when the movie first came out, there was a magazine story or two about the shower-scene being over 30 minutes then cut down for the final print. THAT kind of extra would make this DVD a must-buy.

Here's hoping they find it for some future release...


i just bought the dvd and is sux balls, there is not even a trailer for the film goddamit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I watched mine yesterday and nothing was cut. And I know this movie VERY well. I'm just beside myself that it's on DVD now! I mean sure, it's a barebones release but you can't have everything. I would've loved a filmmaker commentary, but oh well. I'll tell you what though, if it sells well, Universal will most definitely double dip and throw in a few bones next time. Now let's bring on Spring Break, Hardbodies and Hot Moves. 80's teen sex comedies rule!


scott-sw is absolutely correct that scenes were cut if you compare this to the television version.

I remember seeing this movie on USA network ten years ago, and the scene where Jordan (Betsey Russell) is undressing for Jim (Mathew Modine) in drag is shortened in this version compared to the TV version. Specifically, it cuts from the second time she raises the thermostat (she's in her bra and shorts) to the next scene (which deals with the other guys in drag in the dormitory), and the next time we see her it is through the window as Bubba (Michael Zorek) watches her in her (unhooked) bra and underwear getting a massage from Jim.

In the TV version we see her take off her shorts (revealing hr underwear) shortly after turning up the thermostat, and then unhooking her bra (not taking it off) and asking for a massage.

This cannot be due to censorship, as she isn't actually showing anything, and the rear-end revealing part of the massage scene (which is far more risque than her stripping to her underwear) is still left in.

So all of these people insisting that nothing was cut and that the people who are upset are upset over nothing obviously have never seen it on USA Up all Night and do not realize that a lot of fans of this movie are folks who did.


The previous poster is absolutely correct. This was the first scene I went to look for once I opened the DVD, and I was pissed to see it hacked up as it was. I have a more complete version of the scene taped off of USA Up All Night from 10 years ago - and they had to edit films for broadcast. Why this scene is even shorter on DVD is ridiculous.

If I ever go down, I hope I don't get the Potato Judge.


Maybe it's like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", where there are other scenes included in the TV broadcast version which weren't included in the original theatrical release and therefore aren't included on the DVD. That would explain it.


You know that there are two different versions when they have this come out on DVD don't you? If you wanted the TV version you should have written to Universal Studios for it then.

There is a big difference because the TV version is not going to show as much as the unedited version you know. I use to watch USA UP ALL NIGHT and I am working to get that show back with movies like this.

It would be great to see on the weekends again!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!



I'm not saying this post wasn't hilarious in its inaccuracies, but your comment was just as hilarious. You act as though there would never be a reason to release an edited version because it would lose money. WEll, that is certianly NOT the case. There are movies, even ones that managed R ratings (especially back before NC-17) that ARE edited for DVD. Because Walmart (and when they were still big, Blockbuster) wouldn't carry them. And for DVDs, losing those two outlets for sales was the kiss of death.



Although I haven't seen the whole DVD, I wouldn't worry about any of the famous scenes from the movie.

The shower scene in still there, so if you want nudity, you are in luck. In this regard, it probably shows more than one could have seen in the TV version.

However, if you dislike an undressing scene that skips ahead* (i.e. some clothes never get taken off, but just disappear between scenes), do not buy this DVD, as the Betsy Russell undressing for Jim in drag scene is shortened (at least compared to the version shown on TV).

As I find that scene more interesting than the shower scene, I am très upset.

*This is also a problem I have with the Jem (the Welsh singer, not the cartoon singer) video** for "They." She never takes off her shoes or underwear, they just kinda disappear between scenes.

**The European video, which is based on the Barbarella opening. The U.S. video is just her walking around in black and white and then color, and is not relevant to this discussion.


I wondered why there was an abrupt cut..but they never showed the scene you mentioned on TV on Encore Love Stories which is where I used to see it, and I don't think USA has aired it in like ten years, so all this time I've been missing part of one of the best scenes in the movie and the uncut version isn't available anywhere..s hit!


The reason why USA Network will not air Private School is because they have gone to a mainstream programing since NBC bought them out. I prefer the old USA Network because they had some great shows like USA UP ALL NIGHT which I am trying to get back on late nights on Friday and Saturday nights so we can enjoy movies like this again on the weekends.

Todays generation is missing out on a great entertaining show.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I think its funny that you are so upset in the first place over the thought that the deleted scenes in the movie would be all of the nude ones!!! hahaha. Some of us might want to watch it for other reasons.


What other reason could there be for watching such a dumb movie?


Because you're turned on by Kathleen Wilhoite's mullet!


I used to live in Huntington, West Virginia and back in the early 90s the Fox station there used to show two movies every overnight. Golan-Globus stuff made up the bulk of the package (if I had a nickle for everytime I saw Delta Force) but they had few others in the mix, including Private School. Keeping in mind that West Virginia is the buckle of the Bible belt, I know - from having my eyeballs glued to the set - that they showed Private School uncut at least once - Betsy Russell on the horse and all. I kept waiting for some complaints to surface but none did. I guess the all the decent folk were asleep.

To show you how conservative the area is, I used DJ at a station there that played the syndicated Casey Kassam countdown. The last commerical in most of the stopsets was for Trojans (Trojan Man!) and we were under strict orders to cut it and play a PSA instead. So I fully expected Betsy Russell's bouncy ride to raise a few hackles. Not a peep. I look forward to enjoying the DVD.


The 97 minute running time isn't just a mistake IMDb made. That running time has shown up in other place too. I have an old movie reviw book from the late '80's that listed Private School at 97 minutes also. Always kinda wondered about that when my Private School video was only 89 minutes. I bet the movie was originally gonna be released with those deleted scenes but they got trimmed at the last minute. Oh well.


I don't wish to raise anyone's (obviously sensitive!) hackles, here, but I just downloaded "Private School" from a site, and its running time is.... 89 minutes! I used to own this on VHS back in the '80's, and I can tell you, nothing has been removed (and this version of it I have is a rip from Encore) from it -- I don't know where they got 97 minutes from, but it's not correct. Should anyone doubt the veracity of my comments, I have uploaded the movie on several sites. Do a search and you'll find it.


If they have cut the Betsy Russell scene, then somebody really is missing the point of this movie.


Sorry, but there is a piece of a scene in the USA Network version that is not on the DVD. Namely, Betsy Russell taking off her shorts during the strip for the boy in drag.


I assume, then, that you have a copy of the USA version- any chance you could put the missing scene on YouTube?


I don't. I only have this version in my memory. I've only seen it twice, actually.

The only reason that I know something was left out compared to the TV version is that that the entire Betsy Russell scene was burned into my brain the first time I saw it, and when I saw it again years later thye same scene was there, and that scene is the whole reason I bought the DVD, so I notice the part that wasn't there.


Let's assume this shorts-removal was removed...where's the rest of the 8 minutes that's also missing? Surely it didn't take 8 minutes to take off her shorts.

I don't remember if they showed that on encore or not. It was the first time I saw the movie and I don't think she did but I really didn't care. The leg scene and the bending over was more than adequate.

The biggest problem I have with the dvd is the widescreen. I hate fullscreen but I miss seeing bambi's panties get ripped off in the car. You can't even see them in widescreen. Takes away from the scene a bit.


Leonard Maltin's movie guide lists "private school" at 97 minutes.


Private School is 89 minutes on my old VHS Tape and DVD release.
IMDB is incorrect about the 97 minutes, and Leonard Maltin received his info from IMDB. The TV version without the nudity has additional scenes that are not on the home video version. The additional scenes were only used for the TV version. Buy the DVD!


Radioman, I work in radio, too and at both MIX 100 in Denver (a CBS station where I used to work) and here at KS95 in Minneapolis we skip the Trojans ads. I'm guessing most markets do.

"She's, like, a biscuit older than me..."


I've tried Googling keywords like "Private School TV version" but I haven't found any torrents like that. Can you post a link?


I saw the uncut version on a torrent just listed as "Private School" - no "TV Version" or anything like that. It has the full massage scene.


What you watched is not uncut, it is the edited TV Version.
They made the massage scene longer to fill time after they cut the nude scenes out.
I watched the longer massage scene years ago on the USA Network, and I have it on tape.
They used alternate footage after they edited the R rated version for TV.

Universal never released an uncut version of Private School.
