Local Hero is my all time favourite film. It's perfect in all aspects. Well OK, maybe the original 'Planet of the Apes' is my real favourite, but it's a different kind of movie. But after seeing Local Hero, I just had to travel to the other side of the world to see where it was made. The beach scenes were shot at Arisaig and Mallaig on the west coast of Scotland, and the township scenes at Pennan on the north coast. I walked on the beach and visited each town. Scotland is such a beautiful place. When you go, take the soundtrack with you! And a detailed map, as these towns are not big.
Bless you, my son (or daughter). This may also be my favorite film (see below for other quirky films on my list). I noticed the names of the three towns in the credits when I first saw the film when it was released, and they've stayed with me ever since; but I never knew which was which. I was just reminded of my desire to know the answer, and maybe to visit these beautiful places. I subscribe to Travel and Leisure, and there was an article in the new issue about places where films were made that have become "cult" places to visit. It mentioned Pennan, but not the other two.
By the way - have you seen the following movies: Strictly Ballroom The Year My Voice Broke; and Flirting (made by the same director) Enchanted April
All have either a real sense of place or a quirky sense of humor (or both). None are recent, but I assume can be found.
Ha ha ha, I was actually looking for the moped (in Pennan) when I was travelling around in the foot steps of "Local Hero" ;-) And ofcourse I had to try the phone in the Red phone box.
BTW, KTLA's Sam Rubin has mentioned on more than one occasion that Local Hero is also his favorite film of all time…
Actually, when he was interviewed by Oprah while running for president, Al Gore said that Local Hero is his favorite film. It's not really so surprising if you know Gore and understand the film well.
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I am so glad to find others who love this movie as much as I do. I have watched it countless times and I always feel so good after watching it. I would have to say it is my second favourite movie of all time, my favourite being The Great Escape (Steve McQueen, don't you know) but Local Hero is a very, very close second. There is nothing about this movie that I don't like. I would dearly love to go to the locales in this film . . . perhaps one day (sigh). I am from a very small island in the Bay of Fundy and some very quirky people live there. My favourite line of the movie is when Mac asked the men who's baby it is and they all look at each other, rather uncomfortably. This is a very familiar theme where I am from. LOL
That's hilarious, Sarah. I stumbled across this movie because I'm a Mark Knopfler fan. I heard the soundtrack and only saw the movie as an afterthought. I wish more people would see it.
Another classic line is after they hit the rabbit. The scottish kid asks if he should kill it and Mac says, what do you mean? And the reply is, you know - hit it with something hard. Mac replies, you just did, with a two ton automobile. That conversation always gets me laughing...
As for other favorite film's, I really like Bill Forsythe's follow up - Comfort and Joy. Maybe because I was a DJ in college, but, I really understood a lot of the inside humor from the radio station. Two great scenes from Comfort and Joy - are when the station director asks his secretary to call legal and ask if the lead characters contract has a sanity clause. The other is the celebrity look alike contest - you have to pay attention to the lines and the film - the resolution to that part comes later...Knopfler also did the music to this film.
One of my favorites as well along with "Housekeeping". Why is Forsyth not writing/directing any more movies? Nothing since 1999. I searched the net for info but found nothing. It's as if he disapeared. Anyone one know what he is doing now? Thanks.
Love Peter Riegert, love Local Hero--my favorite film, and the *only* time I've really liked Burt Lancaster--and Crossing Delancey. I've often asked: "Where's MY Pickle Man?" Riegert was also wonderful in Infinity.
I wonder whatever became of me? I should've been back here long ago!--Groucho Marx, Duck Soup
Two of my all-time favorites: Local Hero and Crossing Delancey (p.s. Crossing Delancey finally coming out on DVD 2/6/2007 - about time! Now, if only they would release Comfort and Joy and Shirley Valentine on region 1 DVDs...VHS tapes about to bite the proverbial dust!)
I totally agree with the "wistful, happy, melancholy" combo - though that just makes me want to share this film with EVERYONE!!! The problem becomes, however, when you introduce it to someone brand new to the film and find your tongue so sore from biting it in order not to recite the dialogue that you love so much, or point out things like, "Now watch this! When the door opens to Happer's office it's Mark Knopfler's theme AGAIN - in MUSAK this time!" BEST FILM EVER!
i dont know if this has been posted or not before but it is a panoramic view of pennan, i live not to far from pennan and it truly is a beautiful place
I think Peter Riegert is a valuable yet surprisingly under-used actor whose presence in any film (I've only seen him in one other) is effortlessly-effective yet understated. Rather in the manner of Ruben Blades.
Count me among the fans who came to this movie because of the music. I was in London in 1985, and I saw that it was playing in a small theatre. I knew the "Going Home" theme from Alchemy, so I figured what the heck. I'm guessing that I've seen it at least 100 times since then. I have also, in that time, become something of a single malt whisky fan. There are few thing I enjoy more than sipping on a Macallan, Laphroig, or Talisker when Gordon breaks out the 42-year old bottle.
Beautifully put, lucas-159. That's exactly how I feel when I watch this much-beloved movie, too. One of my absolute favorites, as with so many others posting here. Heck, I feel good just reading all these posts from like-minded (and like-hearted) fellow LH-lovers. This is one of the few films that I guard jealously. It just will always have a special place in my heart. The entire cast is just perfect, and Peter Riegert, an actor I've long admired, couldn't have played Mac any better. I watched it again last night, and after a long, hard day of fighting off a small bout of depression and dealing with many a workaday frustration, LH just cleared away all the clouds and sent me to bed with both a smile on my face and a few tears on my cheeks. I treasure this wonderful film! (:-D
Yes, it is so nice to read the posts of fellow LH lovers. My husband and I are film buffs and we BOTH consider Local Hero to be our all-time favorite film. We even took a trip to Scotland about ten years ago to visit Pennan and, of course, posed calling from the red phone booth. I would agree that LH is a comfort movie, (as in comfort food); almost theraputic really. So soothing to put on the DVD late at night and let the scenes wash over you.
I wonder if other LH lovers feel as we do...that it is rather hard to recommend the film to others in case they don't "get" it? I am afraid I almost end not liking the people who don't respond to it. "Is there something WRONG with him/her?" Pretty scary...but perhaps a good test????
Favorite lines? I'd make a very good Gordon, Gordon.... And we have an injured rabbit. It's never locked...
One of my favorite scenes is when Gordon climbs up on the stage and starts playing the accordion and Stella dances with Mac...that's just pure poetry. Contrast that image with the punk girl chasing Danny around the room trying to get a dance, knowing that only God and that girl know why she wants to dance with Danny.
Yes, it is so nice to read the posts of fellow LH lovers. My husband and I are film buffs and we BOTH consider Local Hero to be our all-time favorite film. We even took a trip to Scotland about ten years ago to visit Pennan and, of course, posed calling from the red phone booth. I would agree that LH is a comfort movie, (as in comfort food); almost theraputic really. So soothing to put on the DVD late at night and let the scenes wash over you.
I wonder if other LH lovers feel as we do...that it is rather hard to recommend the film to others in case they don't "get" it? I am afraid I almost end not liking the people who don't respond to it. "Is there something WRONG with him/her?" Pretty scary...but perhaps a good test????
Ditto to all of that. I'd even add a worse category to your last questions: people who see the film, claim to have liked it to some extent, but remain oblivious as to the film's message-- or get it diametrically wrong! (I'm not saying everyone must march in lock-step in understanding such a film, but there are some fundamental values being espoused here.)
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