It's not the best film ANY of those guys by a long shot...but ALL of them did worse...Price did a direct to video movie called ESCAPES that's worse than this. Lee did such craptacular movies like STARSHIP INVASIONS, END OF THE WORLD, and THE HOWLING TWO, so bad he literally apologized to original THE HOWLING director Joe Dante when they made GREMLINS TWO: THE NEW BATCH for having made it. Peter Cushing was in such dreck as LAND OF THE MINOTAUR, TENDER DRACULA, HITLER"S SON and A TOUCH OF THE SUN...the latter two so bad they've barely seen the light of day. And John Carradine was in crap by the bucketful. As far as the worst film ever, might I recommend the work of Ed Wood, and such "gems" as MANIAC (1934), THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS, THE CREEPING TERROR, and MONSTER A GO-GO for worthier contenders?