The worst movie ever made

This is the worst movie I've ever seen.
It was so damn bad that it wasn't even funny anymore... Theres no point in seeing this at all, it only pisses me off :@
How the hell can this one not be on the #250 worst movies of all times?


If this is the worst movie you've ever seen, then you've lived a very sheltered life.


I almost stopped watching near the beginning when Desi Arnaz, Jr. said he was feeling "horny," but I reminded myself that John Carradine, Vincent Price, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing would be showing up eventually. They made the film worth watching.

In heaven everything is fine.


Well a troll does it again. Gets a whole bunch of people defending this, listing worse movies and... never comes back to add to their trollish comment.

All of these IMDB boards has these creatures. Even films that are recognized classics like "Citizen Kane" have some a-hats posting it is the "worst" or "the most over rated" or whatever just to get people going.

Here's to you, capchris-1, for creating multiple IMDB pages of chat thanks to your nasty unsupported blurt (if ya gonna say something is the worst ya better back it up! Course... this was 10 years ago that you posted. Maybe you're dead!)


You need to see some Ed Wood movies.

Remember, remember the 5th of november


It could have been called . . .
"Dinner Theater of the Hams"
Endless prose with few horrors, (not that it matters cuz it is so hard to see anything for most of the film.)
Makes for a good drinking game whenever the name "Grisbane" or "Corrigan" is said.




It's not the best film ANY of those guys by a long shot...but ALL of them did worse...Price did a direct to video movie called ESCAPES that's worse than this. Lee did such craptacular movies like STARSHIP INVASIONS, END OF THE WORLD, and THE HOWLING TWO, so bad he literally apologized to original THE HOWLING director Joe Dante when they made GREMLINS TWO: THE NEW BATCH for having made it. Peter Cushing was in such dreck as LAND OF THE MINOTAUR, TENDER DRACULA, HITLER"S SON and A TOUCH OF THE SUN...the latter two so bad they've barely seen the light of day. And John Carradine was in crap by the bucketful. As far as the worst film ever, might I recommend the work of Ed Wood, and such "gems" as MANIAC (1934), THE BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS, THE CREEPING TERROR, and MONSTER A GO-GO for worthier contenders?


Not by a long shot. For a funny bad movie, see Troll 2. For a plain bad movie, see The Blue Iguana. I promise you both are much worse. This was at least entertaining to a point.
