The worst movie ever made

This is the worst movie I've ever seen.
It was so damn bad that it wasn't even funny anymore... Theres no point in seeing this at all, it only pisses me off :@
How the hell can this one not be on the #250 worst movies of all times?


Oh, come on...everybody knows that the worst film ever made is "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians".


No, I beg to differ. That dubious honour goes to Octopus 2, which makes The Mangler look subtle and well-crafted.

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


I'm not convinced you even watched it, based on this content-free, generic posting. I think you're just a sh*t disturber who started a random argument for your own shallow, masturbatory amusement. Get a life.



You know, this is like a phenomenon on internet. Some guy looking up underrated movies with a fair circle of fans and calling it "the worse movie ever made". Often is is "so bad it's not even fun to look at just because of that".

I bet you're a 38 not-too-slim virgin living with your mother and her five cats or something.

Dream big. Live the life.


Those four classic actors couln't make a bad film if they really tried. The worst part about this flick is Carridine's awful toupee. Wish i had a dime for every time i read a post from someone claiming this or that movie is the worst ever.


I would say it won me over with its simple charms. Watching those great old horror stars was fun, and I thought Arnaz was quite likable. The pacing is a bit slow, but the film was never less than amusing. There are indeed far worse films out there.


Exactly. It doesn't super-suck.

Dream big. Live the life.


Obvious troll is obvious; don't feed him, it only makes him hungrier.


I say this to everyone that makes a thread like this, go watch "Car 54, Where Are You?" and then say this is the worst film ever. House of Long Shadows in an absolute work of art compared to that crap.

.. I am, in a word, terse.


Just started to watch it, has that horrible 80s feel to it, bad lighting, sound and film, but looking forward to four of my favorite actors. So dark you can barely see what is happening so I hope someone turns on the lights.

Sigh! Gave up, too difficult to watch.


The worst film you've ever seen and the worst ever made are two very different things. Besides, have you looked at many of these IMDb message boards? Going on those, nearly every movie is the worst ever made.

Watch Feeders 2 and then try and repeat this claim with a straight face.

-There is no such word as "alot."


I'm just going to say: Manos, Hands of Faith.

That movie makes anything else look like a masterpiece.

Its Sardo! No mister, accent on the do.

