Personally, Nekron's minions physically reminded more of the Picts from Robert Howard's stories (without any makeup though) and Frazetta's version of beast men (it should be noted that they came from a COLD environment. Maybe their "dark skin" is actually hair covering their entire body). Personality-wise, they were nothing more than dumb brutes (Actual cavemen are much smarter, more creative, and certainly LESS NOISY than these savages). Culture-wise, asides from being slaves to Nekron, they seem to be simply nothing more but wildmen (outcasts perhaps?) who have no sense of culture to them at all (no religion, no respect towards the dead, etc.) other than one female who is dressed like a shaman of sorts.
As for what kind of human they are, they are definitely some sort of primitive, but are not neanderthals nor cro-magnons. The minions may be closer to some line of human that predates the two.
Note: Neanderthals are not less "evolved" than cro-magnons. They are two separate human races, and evolution has to do with adaptation, not superiority. For example, the Kaua'i cave wolf spider from Hawaii is more "evolved" than the species of wolf spider that it evolved from, but it's blind and had adapted to be more suited for surviving in a cave than any other environment. Get what I'm saying?
Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger