Donald Trump?

He make a great Greg Stillson.....for real.


I thought I was going to post this original concept and I see there are some intelligent people on this board that have stole my thunder, the correlation between Stilson and Trump is scary. It looks like it is almost intentional.


Every time I see Trump on the TV I think of this film.

****** So says Mr. Stewart. ******


I've always felt Martin Sheen bore a resemblance to Trump. This movie just enhanced that resemblance.


At least Martin Sheen as Stillson has got a certain amount of charisma. Trump is like a force of nature in combining all the worst characteristics a person could have; no one could have foreseen a raise of a dunghill of such proportions back then.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


Donald Trump is a mix of Greg Stillson and Biff Tannen from Back to the Future. In other words, very dangerous and needs to go away.


I think the comparisons between The Dead Zone and what's happening in real life is disconcerting. Watching "the missiles are flying" scene from the film troubles me. Here's the scene: With the possibility of Trump becoming President this could be the scariest scene or scenario Stephen King ever created or came up with.

Sir! I have a plan![standing up from his wheelchair] Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!


Well, dang, I was just getting ready to post this very same observation. Good for you! (posted two days after the third debate).


Well, it has begun.


Our Johnny Smith never came forward. Never interceded. Denied our 'Trump's baby-bullet shield' moment. The wrong prophecy was realized.

I am an atheist, but God Help Us.

The eleventh hour is 10 o'clock and the end of the day has sweet FA to do with your opinion.


It quickly came to my mind, It is sadly and I hope not tragically a potential match.


I just saw this movie today for the very first time, shame we didn't have a Walken to save us



Donald Trump the day after he's sworn in POTUS:

"The missiles are flying. Hallelujah!"


I watched this movie the other night after coming across online reactions to Donald Trump's presidential victory and the alleged comparison to Greg Stillson. I must say it's quite a remarkable synchronicity imo that Trump does bear some resemblance to Stillson especially re his populist rhetoric and his projection as "a man of the people and working class" as TrekkiELO noted earlier. Only time will tell, however, how much of Stillson's hawkish mentality is reflected in Trump's own character and whether it will lead to equally catastrophic consequences. I'm even more surprised to learn how prescient The Simpsons episode "Bart to the Future" was 16 years ago now in predicting a Trump presidency and how the creators attempted it to reflect a worst-case scenario and a type of "warning" to America it was going insane since he ultimately bankrupts the country. But, one hopes such an apocalyptic fate as portrayed in the film under a Stillson presidency and in The Simpsons will be easily averted under a Trump administration😬 In spite of Trump's flaws one hopes he'll be able to turn America around for the better as admittedly he does have good intentions for the country (but we all know where that leads now don't we?!😂) and at the same time he stays safe from any potential assassination attempts🙏 considering he's surely made a host of enemies along the way and his frequent invoking of Ronald Reagan makes me fear a Hinkley Jr.-type just might try the same on him😕...


This movie really makes you wonder.


Truly amazing that in Donald Trump, we now have the need for this prophetic story to be fulfilled.
