MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story (1983) Discussion > An Activist Says A Christmas Story is 'r...

An Activist Says A Christmas Story is 'racist' -a-christmas-story-sparks-outrage-on-twitter/

 Please tell me this is a joke.


Faulty premise. From your link: "Some people think I argued that 'A Christmas Story' is racist. That's not at all what I said." -- Parker Malloy


She could have picked any movie with any white kid with a gun.


She's being entirely intellectually dishonest. She states, in discussing what "A Christmas Story" represents, "This is white privilege. This is institutional racism." She then goes on to categorize her critics (namely, conservatives and libertarians) as racist. Then, she turns around and claims that's "not at all" what she said? Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Typical of her ilk, nonetheless.

This type of idiocy can only be learned in our universities, where young men & women are indoctrinated in to looking at everything through the prism of race/class/gender (increasingly true of high schools and elementary schools as well). That's all this little intellectual exercise means. The only influence it has in the actual world is negative; it further separates and perpetuates racial divides. Nothing she says addresses what the issues are actually at play in the black American culture.



Racism will never go away so long as playing the race card confers advantage.


Well said!!!!!


She may have a point about white kids being able to play with toy guns without having to worry about trigger happy police, but that doesn't make the movie itself racist.


She may have a point about white kids being able to play with toy guns without having to worry about trigger happy police, but that doesn't make the movie itself racist.

Too right! Nail on the head there. And I was actually expecting this thread to mention the portrayal of Chinese people rather than the privileges that people of many backgrounds enjoy.

"Will you be okay on the futon?"
"Oh, the futon. Isn't that Japanese for 'insomnia'?"


Oh please. So you see one news story of a kid with a toy gun getting shot and suddenly it's an hourly occurrence? Amazes me how easily duped all of you are by media sensation.

I'm not a cop myself, but everyone who makes an absurd comment like yours I think should have to automatically go be a cop for 3 months in a black town, see what you have to say then.


If a white kid waves what looks like a real gun at cops and refuses to lower it he will get shot too. Of course most white parents don't encourage their children to refuse to listen to anyone especially cops and they are more likely to actually know and care where their children are most of the time.

Give parker a carton of newports and a handful of folding money and the issue will be dropped. Well until all the newports are gone and the money is all spent on booze and rock.


Inquisitr is a poor-man's InfoWars page. And that is no compliment, believe me.

But even if you agreed with the premise, here's the key: Ralphie never took the rifle out of his backyard.

"You'll shoot your eye out, kid."---A Christmas Story


Sounds like she is just using this to get attention. People know if that they attack something popular, especially a film people look forward to seeing every year, they will get some attention and "air-play". I don't know exactly how she got to her point. Plus the film was shot in the early 80s - how do we compare this to any modern issues and/or judge it with current morals and experiences?

You want to call some Christmas movie racist then why not go after the low-hanging fruit of Holiday Inn? Though I still love watching that movie it does have its share of issues. But why not attack that film? Easy, there is really no controversy there so less attention would be paid to that.


What a b____.


Well get ready for the black remake everybody
