This is not being racist. I just noticed, though, when seeing fan comments about Mama, quite a few people of the colored persuasion enjoy the show. Like with most "white bread" shows you don't see as many black people into them. But I was just wondering- is it because it reminds them of Madea? I always thought it was interesting that black audiences could relate to a show about white country folk from the Heartland of America.
Unfortunately, when you make a statement like this to explain your position in such a question that concerns race some will only accept this as an utterance of hidden racism. Then again if you left this footnote of information out they would still call you a racist for even thinking to ask such a just cannot win. To some a question like this is a loaded statement.
seeing fan comments about Mama, quite a few people of the colored persuasion enjoy the show.
I watch the show regularly and possibly a few friends like the show but they never put it on when I am around. I think they more or less tolerate it when they are at my house but otherwise it is not something they would watch themselves. I have a pretty diverse group of friends. Growing up in the first run of the show a few of the girls in school crushed on Bubba but not really sure they liked the show or just Bubba. More of my Black female friends liked Bubba than my White friends.
is it because it reminds them of Madea? I always thought it was interesting that black audiences could relate to a show about white country folk from the Heartland of America.
If they found Mama after Madea, sure they could find similarities but Mama was prior to Madea. I don't think it necessarily is White country fold from the Heartland that people related to, this is not Green Acres. I think it was the dynamics of the show that related to many households. Who can't relate to a MIL and DIL arguing, meddling neighbor, cranky old lady, the situations they got themselves into, etc.
Unfortunately, when you make a statement like this to explain your position in such a question that concerns race some will only accept this as an utterance of hidden racism. Then again if you left this footnote of information out they would still call you a racist for even thinking to ask such a just cannot win. To some a question like this is a loaded statement.
What I don't like about a declaration like that is, it sounds like the person gets to DECIDE what is or is not racist to another person, and they don't.
What they SHOULD say is, "I do not MEAN for this to come across as racist.
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When someone starts off saying "this is not being racist," that just tells you where their head is at. It came off like someone who probably is racist, but tried to set it aside at that moment - but didn't know how to avoid framing the remark in a way that didn't give it away.
It almost reminded me of the movie A Time to Kill, in the scene when the racist child rapist is feeling guilty and scared of what's coming to him, and tries to make peaceful conversation with the black cop. He attempted to choose his language carefully, but still ignorantly exposed his racism because he just couldn't escape the way he thinks and talks.
Anyway, the OP's observation about the popularity of MF amongst black viewers could have been made without such a prologue, and I bet no one would have raised a fuss. He could have just said 'I've noticed Mama's Family seems to have a number of black fans. Anyone else notice that too?' Simple as that.
But no, instead he had to point out first how so "not" racist the observation was, and then he brought Madea up, asking if the show reminded "them" of that. As if Madea is some kind of benchmark icon that all black people must know and be fans of, and therefore anything similar to it get residual appreciation. It's like, are you serious right now? His whole post was dripping with racist connotation and framed in ignorance; he just didn't wanna be taken to task for it.
OP is racist. This is well established elsewhere on IMDb etc., and is not hidden.
And tinkerbell was close with her initial assessment. OP is gay in the closet and the semi-crossdressing aspect (credit to whomever said that, above) is what he likes, along with a good dose of unresolved mama issues.
Madea is a character type that goes back to the blackface minstrelsy theater, a style of comedy that Mama’s Place also comes from. They are related in a general way to a “Southern” comedic taste which comes out of that lineage and, despite the seeming discrepancy (i.e. the racism of blackface) has been popular among both white and black people.
And just think: If I hadn’t followed you, I wouldn’t be able to inform these good folks of what you are. You’d be going to every board and starting threads with bigotry and, not knowing that that’s your pattern, people would be wasting their time arguing about what you "actually” meant, or whether you were trolling or not.
Here’s a tip: If you want to wipe the slate clean, stop posting links to yourself and your photos and your mother’s gravesite and your family and your blog with Confederate flag support, etc. Doing so is practically screaming for a response. You don’t need to promote your sh#tkicking music on IMDb either. Just talk about the shows, don’t use obviously questionable language (like “the coloreds”), and literally no one will care any more what your beliefs are or who you are, and no one will follow or harass you. Stop asking for it; just come out of the closet.
P.S. You don’t have to believe in closets to be gay. But closets do exist, and it’s OK to be gay, Meade.
1. I don't know why you insist on calling me a homosexual. Its silly. In fact, if anything,I would say you are the one from the closet
2.My blog is not promoting racism. Its about Virginia heritage and pride in being Southern. That isn't racist. The Confederate flags aren't racist. They were stolen by the Demokkkrats who used them as racist symbols later on.
3.I am a Christian. Racism is silly and takes too much time and energy. White nationalism, etc is just unrealistic and boring to me. I see people as individuals.
I don't really KNOW anything about you, but I just hate it when someone snaps back, "I'M NOT RACIST!" That's like saying YOU get to decide what is racist and what is not.
The correct response would be, "HOW am I racist?" Then you can have a discussion and work to improve yourself, b/c when you say, "I'M NOT RACIST!" It's like you're saying, "I will NEVER try to improve myself b/c there is NO POSSIBLE way that I could ever be racist!"
Of course I get to decide what's racist and what is not. Its my individual right! I don't have to listen to liberal rhetoric with a bunch of SJW's telling me what I can and cannot say. I have a right to free speech. If I say I'm not a racist, its because that is the truth. I don't care anymore. I wished I never even asked this question . I just ended up getting attacked for it.
How is that racist? A porch monkey refers to a lazy person. Which exactly fits Mr Obama. Every time we needed him, he just went off and played golf. Didn't do a thing in the White House.
AGAIN, if a black person tell you that something you say is anti-black, then THAT IS TRUE, you can disagree but you would be wrong! You do not get to decide what is racist or offensive to a black person if you're not black yourself. You don't get to decide what is homophobic or transphobic to gay and trans ppl if you're not gay or trans yourself.
I don't really KNOW anything about you, but I just hate it when someone snaps back, "I'M NOT RACIST!" That's like saying YOU get to decide what is racist and what is not.
The correct response would be, "HOW am I racist?" Then you can have a discussion and work to improve yourself, b/c when you say, "I'M NOT RACIST!" It's like you're saying, "I will NEVER try to improve myself b/c there is NO POSSIBLE way that I could ever be racist!"
OP, I would read Tinkerbell's spot on posting as quoted above and do so several times. Learn from it and stop being a ignorant and educate yourself. You are not the authority on what isn't racist. Blackface is most definitely racist, so to say you aren't denies the racism in that. It's mocking the physical features of a group of people and during a time in this country in which they were seen as animals and undeserving of basic human rights. How dare you describe yourself as not racist.
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I have seen OP on other boards being less than PC. he feigns 'innocence' [like referring to Asians as Orientals] and obviously doesn't learn from people calling him out on his BS.
~~~~ your 3: oh, hell! the worst people in the world I have known have been CHRISTIANS! and I was raised roman catholic!
Catholicism is a cult. Its not true Christianity. And I meant what I said about Lincoln. He was a leftist scum who violated the Constitution, invaded half the country,and was responsible for the death of thousands and destroying an entire civilization.
Actually, it isn't The first church was called "The Way". Catholicism is full of many beliefs and practices that are not Biblical. Praying to Saints, purgatory teaching, and indulgences. None of these are Biblical.
If you think I am so terrible, I suggest you take it up with the Lord. I am only preach the truth. And I am tired of political correctness and social marxism.
The word comes from God and is a living word. The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is also a historical text, which can be verified through archaelogical studies.
you have officially gone FULL RETARD if you believe that 'god' is speaking through that 'book'. the stories weren't written down until decades later! so why are there four + versions of the same stories??? INTERPRETATIONS!
I don't get the feeling you are even a Christian, so I don't see the point in arguing. The Bible is God's word. It was written by people who risked their lives of death or imprisonment. He gave it to us as a love letter and a living word. If you can't understand that concept, then so be it. But it was no conspiracy or any such fallacy. And that is why you can neither add, nor take away
Deuteronomy 4:2 1"Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform, so that you may live and go in and take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2"You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. 3"Your eyes have seen what the LORD has done in the case of Baal-peor, for all the men who followed Baal-peor, the LORD your God has destroyed them from among you.…
You're forgetting that the Bible is historical text as well as Holy book. So that in what took place, was recorded. There were many violent acts in that part of history. The New Testament covers the law of sins. But we still should turn from sin. We are covered by God's grace, but its not a get out of hell free card.
Maybe Mister Bunny currently identifies as female? That probably only happened after they started their sexual relationship, so he could refer to Bunny as his girlfriend.
That video was very insightful. There's some rich irony there. Thank you. Do you think he was reading off a teleprompter?
" A Time To Kill" is a piece of garbage propaganda movie based off a book by a hack writer. I said I'm not being racist, because people do seem to play the race card in everything these days. It was just a qualifer, that's all.