MovieChat Forums > Fraggle Rock (1983) Discussion > Test your memories, favorite episodes?

Test your memories, favorite episodes?

Okay, the show was on YEARS ago, but what was your favorite episode(s)?

For me (I don't know the titles):
1. The Blob that ate the Doozers.
2. The evil Genie.
3. (the earliest episode I can remember) Junior caught Gobo. His mother, because brief friends with Gobo, dispite being afraid of Fraggles, and helped him out of his cage.


my favourite is "gobo and his school of adventure" i think that's the title!!
i only have one fraggle rock video but blimey am i obsessed!!!
oh the shame! but utter pride

Would you excuse me? I cut my foot before and my shoe is filling up with blood.



What about the ghost one where they take a wrong turning and end up down a haunted tunnel. That used to scare the hell out me, that along with 'The Moomins'. No-one else can remember that though.

I didn't know that they had different humans for each country, for example we had McKay from 'Porridge' as a the lighthouse keeper in the UK.


i remember the moomins, infact i'm regulaly teased by my friend for looking like little my..which is false but you know!

oh gee look at the time, 1984 already?


my absolute favourite is the final episode where everybody knows everybody and doc and the fraggles are friends. the episode where ma gorg helps gobo out of the cage is called "a friend in need", by the way. a very cute episode too, cause it's the same one where sprocket gets stuck in the fraggle hole and the fraggles help him out.



I actually remember that episode, I must've been 3 or 4 because I was in a high chair during lunch.


ok, i don't even remember how old i was when i watched this show but i remember how awesome it was. i used to wake up soooooo early in the morning just to watch fraggle rock and then the muppet show. some of the episodes i remember is the one where they thought they lost the moon, one where one of them was able to change the dictionary or language (can't remember which) and i remember haveing a book when i was younger about one of the builders eating alot of the sticks an becomming a fraggle. man! i wish i still had that book!!!

(i so love dark crystal and he labrynth!)


Wow....Fraggle Rock. Was and still is one of my favorite shows ever. Too bad it doesn't come on here, and I only have like 5-6 epidodes on tape. I see it's out on DVD so that is great, I'll have to look for it.

As for my favorite episodes, there are quite a few...
(I don't know any of the actual episode titles)

The big pink glob that "ate" the doozers
The genie from the bottle Wembley found
Gobo and Wembley race (great one about friendship)
Everyone falls asleep and Gobo wakes them with a song
The poison cackler
Boober's Fun Side
Gobo and Traveling Matt's discovery
The Fraggles meet Doc and Sprocket

I can't think of any more, but it's a start. I only have three of those eight I listed.


I remember an episode where Junior meets a toad (i think) named MacMooch. I can't recall much about the episode, but I remember liking it..

My favorite episode was the one where everyone is playing practical jokes on one another. Boover hid in a pile of clothes to scare Wembly. Someone also used those snakes in a can.




Hey all,

I remember really liking the episode when Mokey ran off with the traveling band. I think I liked it because the music was so funky. It's not necessarily one of my favorites, but I also remember when Gobo and Wembley (and the others?) get stuck in the cave that made them sad. Man...this show rocks.


Thanks for that link, rj. I've been to that site before. It's ok, gives a bit of info on each episode. I just can't seem to find a site that has good sized reviews of all the episodes.

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I got my 72 episodes of Fraggle Rock on 5 dvd's in the mail earlier this week, holy cow these bring back memories!

THE BELLS OF FRAGGLE ROCK is excellent, with Cantus the Minstrel, and Gobo who goes off to find the Great Bell, and everyone freezes back home, and they unfreeze with the ringing of bells...great episode. Nice music too. It was a Christmas episode.

PEBBLE POX BLUES is another good one. That's a side of Boober we've never seen before, heh heh. Has some funny moments, when Red is servicing Gobo who is sick and in bed, heh heh.

This show rocks!!!!

This is my signature, nice eh?


macmooch scared the bejeebies out of me as a kid. That, the genie episode, and the episode with the whiny creature that turned into a big mother when he touched the water in some kind of basement. Anyone remember that one?


The one with the magic pipe! I don't remember episode names...


This was Wembley not Gobo, Gobo rescued him.


Omg i looooved Fraggle Rock
Jim Henson was a special man


My favorite episodes revolved around songs
That was one of the reasons i loved the series so much; it had the best songs

I loved the Convincing John song, I think that was the character's name too
I also liked the one where he was singing with someone....I can't remember the name of the song but i think it's Let me be your song
I do remember one song is called Working; i love that song

I hear it's on dvd so i'll have to add that to my dvd collection

Play me wide
Play me long
Let me be your song =)


Lol, I've started to watch these episodes again, there's one I know I'm getting to (I forget which one), but it's where Junior Gorg is singing a song:

"Dum de dum de dum de dum, dum de dum de dum de dum, dum dum dum dum de-DOOOOO! Catch a wittle fwaggle and cook 'em in a stew-de dum de dum de dum, dum de dum de dum de dum, Dum dum dum dum de-DUMMMMM! Catch a wittle fwaggle and.... KICK 'EM IN THE dum de dum de dum de dum, dum de dum de dum de dum."

LOL it's hilarious, I'll have to see which one it is and post the title here if you wanna look for it. It's somewhere in the first 25 episodes I'm pretty sure, if that helps.

Any episode where the fraggles run or bump into each other and fall down and go "aaaaah" or "uhhhh" or "gaaah" is pretty funny too.

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The name of the episode containing that song I posted above is called "I want to be you," where Red wants to be just like Mokey.

I love any episode where Cantus appears. The music is extremely good. I think the one with the Magic Pipe is called "Mokey and the Minstrels," then there's another one called simply "the Minstrels."

This show was genius.

This is my signature, nice eh?


Some of those fraggle rock episodes were a little disturbing. I remember in particular "The Incredible Shrinking Mokey" "Home is where the Trash Is" and "Wembley and the Mean Genie". Those were all memorable episodes though.

Think my absolute favorites are "I Want to Be You" "Bells of Fraggle Rock" "Mokey Then and Now" and the final three episodes.


I don't remember the title, but it's the one where Gobo makes friends with this strange creature and then later on it dies. I remember him standing at the grave, mourning for it. Does anyone know the ep I'm referring to?



I liked a lot of the episodes. I liked the animated series as well as this version. My favorite Fraggle was Gobo. I remember in my childhood I would call every hole in our house a fraggle hole. *giggle* I don't remember any particular episodes. I do remember one about a child Doozer who wanted to be a fraggle,and got in trouble for it.....



Thank you SOOO much for reminding me of this episode!!! It was very moving and I'm so happy to remember it!!! I love you!




wasn't there one where trashy froze to death or something. you can pm me for the answer, please.

s Bea Arthur



ok im 14 and i still love the show to bits along with other jim henson productions my excuse to watch them is when i baby sit but i love them imensly


ok im 14 and i still love the show to bits along with other jim henson productions my excuse to watch them is when i baby sit but i love them imensly


Wembley's Wonderful Whoopie Water. Fraggles on caffeine? Hell yeah.

I have to believe that the world doesn't disappear just because I close my eyes.


OK...I am not sure who asked about Gobo making friends with a creatur who dies at the end but I can clear that up if it has not been yet. Wembly is the one who makes friends with Mudwell the Mudbunny. Mudwell is the supposed to be the worlds oldest fraggle I believe, and the song he sings to Wembly is
Just A Dream Away. There was also a reprise to this song. If you would like to hear it I have the song. I am 25 years old and my grandfather use to watch this with me faithfully. When he died a couple years back, I got this song, I still cry when I hear it, it makes me think of how he raised me, and how lucky I was to share these memories with him.
And now how I can pass these memories to my son and daughter.
My email is [email protected]
If you would like this song and its reprise please just email me.
Later all
Oh yeah this episode is called Gone But Not Forgotten.
Rest In Peace BP
Joseph Robert Dillon S.R
April 4th 1926- June 29th 2004
You will always be just a dream away,

Feel the water flowing
Feel it comming Feel it going
In the river in the rain or in the sky
One day its an ocean
One day ice in motion
One day its a tear drop in your eye

Once I wasn't here
Than suddenly i appeared
And now I seem to be at home in earth and air

Just like water flowing
I know where I'm going
Look benieth your boots and I'll be there
Its just a dream away
You've got to leave to stay
We'll meet again, someday
Just a dream away....

Wembly: Hey-Hey - thats a great song


That's the one episode that I never forgot even after all these years. I think I was only like four years old when I saw 'Gone but not Forgotten' and I think it's the most emotional episode of the whole series.

I remember first getting a little upset about Mudwell being mean to Wembley just a day after he seemed so nice earlier, and then things only got worse from there as the story went on. When Wembley started crying I think I bursted into tears myself.

I hate belting out cliches, but they truly don't make them like they used to.


In my book, this is the number one greastest episode of Fraggle Rock. I cannot remember ever crying so hard in my entire life. I know the show is just puppets, but the writers really outdid themselves with this episode. I'm waiting for the rest of the seasons to come out so I can have this timeless episode.

Thanks for the lyrics to the song...

Fire Bat
IMDB has taken away my freedom of speech. Happen to anyone else?


I don't remember any episode in particular but, I do remember watching this show. It was "IT". I was very young but, I do remember watching. When I mention it to my peer they don't know anything about it. Just like when I mention "THE GUMMY BEARS". Anyone remember?

~ ~Lady of Love~~
