Favorite Fraggle?

So, who's your favorite Fraggle? It's a tie for me. I like Wembley and Boober. Gobo was pretty cool too but no one beats Wembley and Boober. :)





1. Red- loved her pom-pom ponytails, they were adorable
2. Boober- he was just laid-back & funny
3. Gobo- kept them all grounded



Wow, I haven't been here in years, lots of posts! I still don't think I listed my favorite one, but it has to be Wembley.

Who do you think was the meanest out of the five main fraggles? Wembley's not even a choice, maybe Mokey too. I'd probably say Gobo, but he was the leader, juts like Moe from the 3 Stooges & he was the meanest. Boober a close 2nd.


Wembley was always my favorite. He cracked me up, yah Wembley rules!!! I hope he's centure role in the film there making. They have to see he's the fan favorite right?

Joe Lucas/Stella Malone Shipper-Jonas series.
Chad/Sonny shipper-SWAC.


Red Fraggle



For me it's definitely Red! She is so full of energy and lives life to the fullest. She's also one of the more complex characters, always trying to figure herself out. Cantus the Minstrel has always fascinated me as well. He's a hep cat!


1. Boober
2. Mokey
3. Wembley
4. Gobo
5. Red


Red will always be my fave.


I like Trash Heap the most, and Wembly the second most. He has a heart of gold!!

Sprocket is also very cool. :)


Boober's my all-time fave among the main five. Boober can always envision every possible disaster which might ever possibly loom up ahead. He's a hypochondriac, and if I remember rightly, there was at least one occasion where Boober refers to looking up diseases (like from a medical encyclopedia) as getting himself ready so that when he gets sick with whatever illness, he'll know what it is...

Also - Cantus the minstrel, and Marjory the trash heap (plus Philo and Gunge ! ), and all three Gorgs, and Sprocket the dog.
The Gorgs live so obliviously of the oddity of living in a world which nearly always contains just the three of them. If a magical peapod doesn't succeed in growing a princess for him, will poor Junior end up being on his own forever? (Concept: Junior Gorg eventually raising kids of his own; would the Gorg's world (or ours) manage to survive that???)

P.S. If you love Sprocket, do you also love Wallace and Gromit animation films?


Tag-on question:
If you were to work for a person who is the human equivalent of one of the five main Fraggles, who would you prefer as your boss?

For me it would be Gobo, with Mokey and Boober tied for second. Gobo understands getting a job done even when it may be difficult or not entirely fun, and can stick to completing what needs to happen before then going on for a more fun adventure. Mokey prefers to be contemplative and artistic but she actually has one of the riskiest jobs, the responsibility of going outside to take radishes from the Gorgs' garden.

Hey, I've worked in organizations under a Red and under a Wembley. They're very endearing Fraggle characters for sure, but in the real world you'd grow yourself an ulcer overnight if your paycheck ever depended upon them!


Boober and then Wembley. I like Gobo, Uncle Matt and Mokey ( a little bit) but hate Red, she's so annoying.

You, will never realize, what darkness lies inside, inside my own mind...


Wembley and then Boober.



These are my favs:

1. Wembley
2. Red
3. Mokey
4. Boober
5. Gobo

I also luv Sprocket. Hes so cute! Plus I find him to be smarter and not much of a ditz as Doc. I didn't have a problem with Doc. Hes cool. Just saying Sprocket was smarter!


I like all of them for different reasons, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Wembley! He's just so sweet and innocent, and doesn't have even a trace of malice or dishonesty in him. I love his huge, movable eyes, his verbal tics (Squeet Squeet Squat Squat!), and he's so cute and cuddly, in both body and voice! For his first-ever lead character, Whitmire did an amazing job.

My favorite "guest star" Fraggle is Cantus, hands down!! I'd like to know his backstory (maybe I'll write one for him). He's also the sexiest Henson's voice has ever sounded.

We, all the Fraggles in the world, do solemnly swear never to eat Doozer constructions again. Weeba weeba, waffa waffa, garpox gumbage, whoopee.

The definition of insanity is to marry Charlie Sheen and expect the results to be different.


Mokey definetly.
Mokey is my favorite fraggle of all time.
Her song "Ragtime Queen" was very beautiful and always moves me to tears.
Listen to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6NNXLfYRQA

A seccond fraggle I loved was the rarely seen ChuChu Fraggle who was only in one episode.

This guy was badass. He waved his tongue out like Gene Simmons and kicked ass during rock hockey.
He got his teeth knocked out and just continued to play rock hockey.

My third fave would have to be Red.
She's such a cute lil' spazz.

Fourth is Boober.
Such a funny guy.

Gobo is the fifth.

Wembley is the sixth fave.

I never had a least favorite fraggle.
I never cared for the doozers really or the gorgs.
I didn't like Cotterpin Doozer or Junior Gorg.
And Ma Gorg? Oh, I hated her as a kid. She was really annoying.


Well, Mokey was really the reason that I started getting into the show. She was so pretty and I had this really weird crush on her before I even watched a single episode. Then after I had watched a good number of episodes I really started to like her even more because of her artistic abilities and wonderful and kind voice.

I'm surprised that no one here even mentioned The Minstrels, they're also one of the best parts of the show, especially Cantus.

Of the rest of the Fraggle Five besides Mokey, I'd say that Boober was my second favourite because of how superstitious and worried he always was. Plus his puppeteer was Dave Golez, who is awesome. Then I guess Wembley would be next, then Red and then Gobo. I don't know why people considered him to be the star, he was always rather boring to me, maybe because of how down to earth he was.



Boober, no contest. I thought he was funny when i was a kid, now as an adult? Boober IS basically me. My gf never watched it cause she was a bit too old for it back when it was on (she's 6 years older than me) but I've been watching every single episode of the run they are giving the show on teletoon retro (that's in canada)and she's watching them with me and she can't believe how much like me he is. She thinks he influenced me subconsciously as i was growing up and that's why i grew up to be like him. :-p

Anyway, as a kid i liked Mokey too, cause she was nice, but now, I kinda can't stand her. So drippy and hippie-ish and her songs are always the worst.

Though she is not quite as bad as Red who i didn't like as a kid and still don't like now. What is the point of her character? Is it so that bully-ish and a**hole kids would have some fraggle to identify with? At least the show uses her a lot to basically tell kids how wrong it is to be like her... She's self-centered, has little regard for others and is just obnoxious and annoying. The same reasons i didn't like her back in the days.

Wembley well....not that i can't identify partly with him too but he is TOO much of a wimp and a pushover. He could have had a better...character arc. If i may say.... he should have gotten less annoying as time went on. Still, there isns't tehnically much wrong with him otherwise personality-wise.

Gobo starts great but eventually they kinda sometimes made him a bit too much like Red. The early shows, first series, he was very likeable. Later on, not so much. It seems to coincide with him getting that ugly haircut and losing the great cardigan. Why did they change his look? He looked so much better before they shortened his hair and gave him the explorer vest. I suppose he's still my fav after Boober though.

But technically the other best character after boober, in fact probably tied with him at number 1, is of course Sprocket but yeah, he's not a fraggle... He's pretty much the main reason why my gf wants to watch the episodes with me. He's so much like a real dog, and in all the best ways.
