chiefs on DVD

where can i buy 1983 Movie Chiefs on DVD or VHS


Chiefs isn't available on DVD. I ordered the VHS twice and it was no better than a pirated copy would be!! Wait for the DVD no matter how long it takes.


[deleted] has Chiefs region 2 for sale at £3.99 and has it available to pre order if thats any help




do you have a copy for sale, how much?, shipping? Thanks ....from chester



Hello! My FAVORITE all time movie was "Chiefs" with Billy Dee Williams. I have tried everywhere to obtain a copy with no luck. Do you know where I might obtain a copy? I would pay requested cost of the movie plus all shipping/handling/and any other costs!

Thank you very much.




Hey everybody my dad told me about this movie and I got interested in it. Even though it's 5 years older than I am. We've been pulling our hair out practically trying to find it on DVD but I don't think anyone carries it anymore, and can't find The Long Riders either. If anyone knows where I could get Chiefs or The Long Riders on DVD please reply to this messege. Thanks.

"I don't care if the glass is half empty or half full just as long as there's whiskey in mine." -Old Irish Philosophy




I love this movie,also,and I have been looking for it on DVD but I don't believe it's on DVD. This is difinitely is a movie I would love to see on DVD or on the "The Mystery Channel. I plan to contact "Starz Mystery Network" and I would you and others to contact them. Simply state how much you would like to see this movie on their network.Please specify the MYSTERY CHANNEL their phone 720-852-7700 fax 720-852-7710 or write THE MYSTERY CHANNEL- 8900 LIBERY CIRCLE-
ENGLEWOOD, CO. 80012. Once is not going to be enough we have to send lots of letters, faxes and phone calls.



The Long Riders is available. Go to and type in Long Riders, I look for all my DVDs at this site. has it for $9.36


I saw Long Riders at Wahl Mart. Finding that should be easy. I think Chiefs may be available overseas. I have a copy I recorded years ago I may have it put to dvd if one isn't available soon.


The Arts Council of Chester County, SC used to give away copies of the unabridged VHS tapes (three tapes including a Making of Chiefs) with a donation of $100 or more. The mini-series was filmed in Chester, SC. I don't know if they still have any or if they still have permission to copy it from the director & producer. Their telephone number is 803-581-2030. They had a display of props and photos from the filming in the Ann Davidson Marion Art Gallery there. They also showed the miniseries over three evenings on a big screen. Some of the local actors were recognized.


The Arts Council of Chester County, SC used to give away copies of the unabridged VHS tapes (three tapes including a Making of Chiefs) with a donation of $100 or more. The mini-series was filmed in Chester, SC. I don't know if they still have any or if they still have permission to copy it from the director & producer. Their telephone number is 803-581-2030. They had a display of props and photos from the filming in the Ann Davidson Marion Art Gallery there. They also showed the miniseries over three evenings on a big screen. Some of the local actors were recognized.


you can buy a copy from australia on dvd. it's region free and pal sadly.

so if your dvd player can play pal.

buy it from their.


Just checked on Amazon, and they have a place to request e-mail notification when it's released. Your request (allegedly) also counts as a "vote" in favor of the studio releasing it.
I just read the book again after many years and it was as well-crafted as I remembered. Haven't seen the movie since the miniseries aired, but I recall it being an excellent job.


"Chiefs" will be released on DVD in germany on august 25! I'm really looking forward to it because the VHS version is very rare and not easy find.


That would have been hilarious if it weren't so moronic: this German release costs 44 euro (and will probably butchered by a German voiceover, as they usually do), while the uncut Australian DVD release costs... 7 AUD.



German Box-Set:
- The german release contains the full uncutted TV episodes on the first 3 disks.
(running time 283 min, PAL)
- It is the only one release worldwide containing the complete uncutted mini series!
--> Warning: the original english soundtrack is very bad. It is taken from a LongPlay-VHS Tape, recorded by a private person. The reason: The Producers doesn´t found a original master tape. The picture based on a old german broadcast master tape.
- The german soundtrack & picture is ok!
- On the fourth disk is the official international cut version.
(running time 207 min, PAL)
If you need the uncut series, you have to buy the german box!


I bought the VHS version of Chiefs quite a few years ago. It took me years of searching. It was bought from a video store and the tapes are in excellent condition. It's like I was watching the miniseries on TV all over again.


I just viewed SHOGUN on a special edition box-set! 5 discs in total (1 for special features, the rest for the film itself), beatifully transferred with excellent video quality and 5.1 surround sound. Now if they can do that for SHOGUN, why can't they do that for CHIEFS (both directed by Jerry London)? Heck, there's even a making-of-the-movie feature according to an earlier poster. I'd love to see a 4 disc set of this wonderful mini-series!


i just purchased the movie on e-bay for 14.95 they also have it for 70.00 so be careful. renee
