MovieChat Forums > The Black Adder (1983) Discussion > The Queen of Spain's Beard

The Queen of Spain's Beard

I think it's the best episode from the first series. I have watched just yesterday all of them and chose this one. What do you think - what the best episode is??
I adore Black Adder, he is so ugly-funny there( and, of course, Percy with his stupid voice and pretty face). Infanta had to failure with prince!!

The sniper's got talent!


saw it last night on gold after a long time, the interpreter is hilarious!

OCOE - obsessive compulsive olive eater


also, i've just realised that the infanta asks the queen about what edmund is like in bed. how on earth should she know? that was a little oedipus-like

OCOE - obsessive compulsive olive eater


As a Spaniards Miriam Margoyles' terrible Spanish stopped me enjoying this episode to it's full potential. THey really could have gotten any old Spaniard to play the part.
