MovieChat Forums > Tron (1982) Discussion > I saw this movie after watching the Tron...

I saw this movie after watching the Tron Legacy

Wow what a boring piece of crap this was...even if it came out in the 80s.


If you're reasonably young, I can understand it look like that to you, but for those of us that were kids at the time it came out, it was unique and quite fascinating. It came out at a time when, even though my brother told me it had 'computer effects' in it and I said, 'Cool!' - we had no idea what CGI was, really.

When I saw the new film, I liked all the effects etc, but for me it didn't have the 'charm' of the original.

My initial reaction to much much older stuff (considered classic cinema) is similar to yours (for example watching the Jimmy Cagney scenes in The Sopranos); I could never sit through a Cagney movie and see him as a tough guy. He seems to hammy and forced. BUT ... to a lot of people at the time, those movies were right on the money.

The grown-up way to handle all this is to realize that it's a constantly cycling phenomenon: when you're old, kids will diss the stuff that you think is awesome today.

Please do not make negative comments about a film YOU NEVER SAW. It makes you look stupid.


the thing I liked about TRON as opposed to TRON:LEGACY is that in TRON, they kept it in the realm of the "computer" world. Everything was dark and neon lit, and very simple stylistically, but very LEGACY, when they go to Flynn's "house" and they're eating dinner at a table and there are books and such, it just TOOK ME RIGHT OUT OF THE MOVIE. I was like, wtf?

another thing is the original TRON had a much more cohesive, simple story structure....Legacy was too confusing for it's own good, imo. It just seemed like they were trying to be all Matrix-y with it. I loved the fx, though.
sooo good!


by jabronie75 (Sun Sep 11 2011 20:13:18)
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Wow what a boring piece of crap this was...even if it came out in the 80s.

Yeah, but you're just some idiotic kid with no taste. Wait 20 years and watch the film again, assuming you go on to get a higher education. Otherwise go pop a Tranfsormer's movie into your DVD player, and let smart movies alone.



It's a far more intelligent film than most people give it credit.


I'm sure the OP confused the two titles, that's the only way he would make sense.
Tron is so much better than legacy, on every level and in every way, that it isn't even worth discussing.
Legacy is something that should and will be forgotten in time.
And hopefully it will also get denounced by the creators of the original, once they are safely out of contract and NDA.



Part of the allure were the special effects and how true it was to the computer world then. Now some of the terms are archaic and boring. I always thought Bit was an interesting idea as it could only say yes or no.


The original Tron was much more cerebral. You have to watch it many times to get it. And while I love Tron Legacy. It's a pretty straight forward story. Frankly Tron is amazing giving the Technology they had to work with at the time. Doing CGI on computers that are slower then the most basic wrist watch. Is quit a feat.


I couldnt take it serious...I really tried to like it but at certain parts i just busted out laughing and had to show it to a friend who also had to laugh
I think you really need to be in love with the whole IT world or be a complete nerd to appreciate it.....Tron Legacy on the other hand was an immense pleasure

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