Favorite Lines.....

Michael (to Jeff) - This is our first date, I just want to look pretty for her.


All of the lines mentioned are wonderful and funny. In the scene with Pollack when he is trying to get out of the contract he says that Sandy thinks he is gay and Pollack says, "So sleep with her" and Hoffman says, "I did, she still thinks I'm gay" to which Pollack responds under his breath, "Oh, that's no good Michael."


I love Michael's speech about his not knowing how women can afford to look nice and he ends with "now I don't have a decent handbag." I've been using that term ever since, not purse, not murse, but handbag!

... I admire a person that's willing to do whatever is necessary.



I don't know why, but these lines always make me laugh:

Michael and Sandy

"When you didn't show up, I went by your place and I saw that fat woman go into your apartment..."

"What fat woman?"

"The one in the raincoat..."

"Oh, that woman! She's a friend of Jeff's! --Do you really think she's fat?"

"Well it was dark in the stairwell, but yes, I think she's fat!"

Nurse Charles

"We're having a party for Emily Kimberly in her honor, and everyone's going to be there...including you!"


Yeah, that one was awesome. Also the tomato bit when Hoffman and Pollack are yelling at each other. Another line I like from early in the movie: "OK then, I'll pick you up at 10:00 and enrage you." (even funnier with no context)


Rita: I'd like to make her look a little more attractive, how far can you pull back?
Cameraman: How do you feel about Cleveland?
Rita: Knock it off.

"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."


I don't like it when people say..."I really dug your message, man."
Or "I really dug your play, man. I cried." You know?
I like it when people come up to me...the next day...or a week later and they say..."I saw your play. What happened?"

I don't want a full house
at the Winter Garden Theatre.
I want people who just came out
of the worst rainstorm in history.
These are people who are alive
on the planet...until they dry off.
I wish I had a theatre that
was only open when it rained.


RON CARLISLE: "Oh boy, here come the terms."


Van Horn: "I never laid a hand on her!"
Dorothy: "Yes, you did" - cracks me up everytime

"and..thats a corncob"

"Where do you come off sending me your roommate's play for you to star in? I'm your agent, not your mother! I'm not supposed to find plays for you to star in - I'm supposed to field offers! And that's what I do!"


AGENT: "You were a tomato! A tomato can't act!"

MICHAEL: "That's what I said"


MICHAEL: "I did an endive salad that knocked the critics on their asses"


"I hope you're doing this for the money not just so you can wear these little outfits."

"I don't want people to come up to me after the show and say, 'I saw your play...I dug your message.' I want them to come up to me the next day or a week later and say, "Hey, I saw your play...what happened?'"

"You were a tomato!! A tomato doesn't have logic!"

"That is one nutty hospital."



In the apartment, between John and Jeff:

"Thank you, John."

- It is not so much what Bill Murray says, but what he looks like!!!

And later, of course:

"Does Jeff know?"

There are so many great roles in this movie! :)

... One more came to my mind: When the phone rings in the apartment, and Michael and Jeff argue about answering it. Jeff leaves and says that it's weird not to be able to answer the phone, because Michael "is not that kind of girl".


Anything that comes out of Bill's mouth HILARIOUS, his deadpan delivery is fantastic :)))

I just watched it again, but the one line that I always remember from this is when they're telling the cameraman shooting Dorothy to go further back and he says "how's Cleveland" LOL

"everyday above ground is a good one"~SFU


"Les - 'Your pretty strong for a little lady, huh?'
Dororthy - 'Well, no'"

Love that line the best.





Sandy: Michael are you gay?
Michael : In what sense?


Heath Ledger <3
Rest In Peace
"Lets Put A Smile On That Face" - The Joker
