MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > How did this movie not get an X rating!?...

How did this movie not get an X rating!?

Especially back then!? Scarface came very close and it wasn't nearly as violent or gory by comparison!


Most of the blood was alien blood rather than human e.g. the yellow and green fluids coming out of Norris.


Shit! Eso me recuerda! Remember the guy who made Toxic Avenger!? He was interviewed years ago by the AVGN and said the reason his movies were able to get away with a lot of stuff under an R rating was because of the greenish blood that you mentioned. Same way how "Revengage" got away with an M rating, instead of 18+. Because all the blood and gore from the cybernetic enemies you vanquish in the game is suppose to be "oil". Megan Man did the same thing but to an exponentially lesser extent.

You ever seen Super Show!? The one with Captain Lou Albano? There's this one episode where the Mario brothers pay a visit to mushroom kingdom's version of Transylvania. They are greeted by count Koopa and has his minions chase theme around in his castle. There's this one scene where a "werekooppa" troopa (I just made that word up) is standing right in front of them, drenched in blood. But wait! It's not really blood. It's supposed to be meat sauce from a spilled bottle that somehow managed to cover his entire body. Nevermind the fact that the texture between blood and meat are not even the same! In any case! Toad then proceeds to pick up that aforementioned bottle and hits him over the head with it (knocking him out in the process). Afterwards, he says "naughty turtle! You've been hitting the sauce again. So yeah! They knew exactly what they were implying 😁


It was the same thing with Evil Dead II.


To be further honest with you, brah! I only saw EDII once and I don't recall most of the movie outside of that overweight shotgun wielding hillbilly that was constantly screaming out for his cousin.

"Billy Joe!" 😁

My friends were always on my case for preferring the first one over subsequent installments. I never saw the remake! Is it any good!? Did they at least go back to their horror roots!? Was never a big fan of horror comedy. Think Vampire In Brooklyn would be the only exception. Don't know if I can get away with repeating some of the lines here.

But that movie was funny as hell 😁


I didn't like the Evil Dead remake. It was like watching the Thing prequel. I would rather have watched an Evil Dead and Thing crossover - how you kill a possessed person (fire) is opposite to how you kill the other (dismemberment).


Yeah! Everyone says the remake of the remake was underwhelming and unnecessary.


Because no one had sex? πŸ€”


To be fair! The Thing was fucking with the survivors throughout the entirety of the movie πŸ˜„


Good point. πŸ˜„


Feel free to let me know if I went too far with that comment. My channel has already been terminated! Wouldn't want to lose another account due to my own stupidity.


I liked it. 😊


The movie is a puppet show, the violence is so over the top it's unrealistic and unengaging. Your average slasher with a stabbing is more visceral and relatable.


"The movie is a puppet show"

That comment reminds me of "Meet The Feebles".

I trust you've seen it! 😁


And not to sound like a smart ass, but please define "relatable?" Most slasher movies are also unrealistic.

Extremely unrealistic!


I've heard one moment had to be trimmed to keep an R-rating, a small moment where the Dog-Thing sprays a normal dog with some sort of thick liquid. This moment was cut from the theatrical version but has been restored in every other release since, including the one you watched.

But I think it kept an R-rating simply because all the gore in the film is alien-related. It's a dumb loophole but that's how the MPAA rating works. From Dusk Til Dawn got an X-rating until they argued that the blood was coming from vampires and not humans, even though the vampires looked like humans. They changed nothing and kept the R-rating. Outside of the gross transformation scenes, there isn't much blood. When people get shot, for example, there's basically no blood.


I remember seeing an episode of "Adam ruins everything" where he explained how skewered the MPAA really is.

For instance:

1) If a heroine from a typical action movie yells "fuck you" to a guy she's about to punch out in context of a fight scene.

That'll get a PG-13 rating.

2) If that same scene suddenly has the heroine approach the baddie in a sensual manner and says "I want to fuck you" and they inexplicably start making out for some reason.

That'll get a R rating.

3) If that same scene replaced the heroine with some random guy and he recited the same line to the other guy?

That'll get an NC-17.


Did not know about the FDTD trivia.
