MovieChat Forums > Split Image (1982) Discussion > Has anybody actually seen this movie?

Has anybody actually seen this movie?

I've always wanted to see this movie, but it is never on television, and it seems to have disappeared. Is it any good?


OMG..I was just writing about the other movie that came first, "Ticket to Heaven" that was shown on the Z Channel on Cable TV. So was this.

I am really upset that it's now 2011...and there are so many excellent films out there that are not shown -- but we've seen the same handful of movies over and over and over again -- and pay for the privilege via Cable TV.

The Z Channel (and many other channels similar to it around the USA) really went out and FOUND these films for us, the cable subscriber to see and view and make the choice of whether it was good or not. This IS a good film. There's tons more of these little gems out there...

It's about time SOME programmer gets a love for films like Z Channel did and start showing them again.

"They're NOT role models - unless you idolize greed and tramps."


i saw it on telly in 1989 or 90 though i'd never heard of james woods then. i then saw it a few years later and i was like "that was james woods" you know the way you would react if you saw something again after a few years saying "that was him/her" after recognizing a person in it that you didn't realise before (you're probably not interested in what i've wrote here, but i just though i'd write it anyway). perhaps it is good and most likely james woods is the best thing in it, he's on of the best actors ever IMO anyway. i think i remember JW putting on a good performance.


Saw it in the uk in mid or early 90s, love karen and knew james, i loved the film. Would really like to see it again, but ive never seen it any where since



I'm another person who saw it on cable back in the day. It's a terrific film that should be available. As others have said, that cast is incredible and all do fine work, but the story is grippingly handled by all, in front of the camera and behind.

Another poster here recommended Ticket to Heaven and Jesus Camp as similar films. I recommend them, too. Ticket to Heaven is sorta the Canadian Split Image, with it's own terrific cast (including Nick Mancuso, Saul Rubinek, Kim Catrall, Meg Foster and the great, great R.H. Thompson); it came out roughly around the time Split Image did, and it too is about the luring of a young man into a cult and his subsequent deprogramming. Both keen films, and well worth seeing and compar-and-contrasting.

Jesus Camp is of a whole 'nuther order. It's a much more recent (2006) film, and, as the other poster noted, it's a documentary. Also, while Ticket to Heaven and Split Image are compelling, even disturbing films, they can't hope to compare with how upsetting Jesus Camp is. I mean, I really "like" the film, but it's like watching children being abused for an hour and a half. Because it IS children being abused for an hour and a half.

The film looks at an extremist religious camp for kids (of varied ages, but most of them well younger than the subjects of the two fictional films in question) at which the kids are basically -- and continuously -- berated and terrified into following god. The atmosphere is VERY cult-like, as religious memes are pounded again and again rotely into their young minds, creating what participants and organizers alike freely admit is an army ready for a holy war.

They also speak, in the film, of how they know us godless liberals and such see what they're doing and fear them. They fail to acknowledge how sickened they make many of us, too. Because child abuse *should* sicken and frighten us.

Obama gets accused of indoctrinating children. Queer folk get accused of 'recruiting' kids. Man, Jesus Camp will show you some REAL indoctrination and recruitment of young people.

It's impossible not to watch, not to be completely absorbed, but you leave the viewing experience as if you've just been totally enraptured by the sight of lengthy child rape. I felt sick, disgusted after the film ended, even dirty for thinking a film about such subject matter was so great.



Great summary of Jesus Camp. It is a truly frightening film, what's even more frightening is there are so many in the U.S. now who don't think these people are doing anything wrong to the children.

Their mindset: It's prescribed in the Bible (Old Testament in particular), it's "God's calling." Replace "God" with "Allah" and you have the exact same belief system.

Bowing down to the cardboard cut out of George W. Bush and the little plastic babies to protest's all there.



It ran continuously on cable back in the early 80's which is when I saw it and would watch the same movies over and over. I watched Split Image over and over because of the performances, Peter Fonda always seems creepy to me now because of this, and James Woods is heroic. Michael O'Keefe rocks it as well.

Too bad it's not even on DVD, it really deserves to be seen!

"Seen one eat a rocking chair one time...."


I saw it on British TV years ago but there haven't been any repeats since. Strange because another film that the director made that same year, known as First Blood and starring someone called Sylvester Stallone is widely available...


A small theatre out here in L.A. played it back in 2013 (from a 35mm print, respectively). I had the opportunity to see it, director Ted Kotcheff in person too.

It is excellent. O'Keefe, Dennehy, Allen, Woods, Ashley, Fonda, all of them are FANTASTIC.

The film itself is truly frightening. An honest look at how easy it is for the cults of religion to prey on the weak minded targets. It also is a beautiful love story (Michael O'Keefe and Karen Allen) as well. It deals with self doubt, with suburban dysfunction, and forgiveness too. It was such an electrifying movie - I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

"All I want in life is a thirty share and a twenty rating."


I saw "Split Image" on HBO many years ago. It is currently on youtube. Please click on


It's on TV right now! Any good? You mean as a commercial film to make a profit? Maybe interesting to somebody possibly back in the decade it was filmed in. Times change. Good as in representing what a cult might be like. It's not like most cults - cults being like any other cultural subgroups like the Catholic Church or any other religion that judges the more recent cultural subgroups that to them threatens them, but they're afraid of everything like knowledge, career training, education, modern times or old times that don't reflect their type of mythology. So this film seems rather contrived, and critics get it all wrong as if Peter Fonda is THAT guy, the leader, in the movie & he's not acting. It's more like a spoof of someone's idea of a cult. So if this film scares you or you think it's really great, that's all more about you th viewer than the film itself!
