When Robbie Leaves in the Taxi…
…where is he going? I presume he is going to stay with relatives (grandparents?) because he is taking his dog with him.
Was Robbie going the whole way by taxi? Would be an expensive ride. He couldn’t be going by plane since unaccompanied minors have to be checked in by an adult. And you can’t take a dog on a bus unless it is a service animal.
That whole brief scene seemed awkward and unrealistic. The parents stand by the house and allow their nine year old to board a taxi alone. Diane calls out to Robbie,”Call me, okay?”
Wouldn’t his parents be standing by the taxi and giving the driver instructions, like an address! You think they would have gotten him settled in and not just waving from a distance. And the dog was not on a leash!
I know, it was a movie about the supernatural. But in the natural world, some rules still apply. The scene was just so awkward.