Suicide of Sid

Does anyone else think this was not necessary for the movie? Sid showed no signs of mental illness throughout the movie - and then he just kills himself out of the blue?? I am sure he could of cancelled his DOR and went back or he could of gotten another woman rather than Lynette. He could of talked to Mayo.


He doesn't kill himself over her, duh.

He just thought she was the only thing that was truly his. His whole life is about replacing his dead brother.

He didn't want to cancel his DOR. He never even wanted to be in the Navy.

When she rejects him, he realized that even that, he didn't have.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


His suicide worked dramatically for the characterization of Zach in the aftermath. It was sad and a waste though, and I wish he had reached out to Zach first. I wish he had tried to live. And since he didn't kill himself over Lynette specifically, I'm wondering why her rejection was that strong of a tipping point. Because I find it hard to believe Sid suddenly realized he loved her when the day before he was still set on marrying his dead brother's girl and his first thought about what to do if Lynette was pregnant was give her money for an abortion. Nothing screams "I love you" like that, huh? Not.


Yeah, I just watched the movie for the first time since I was a child and back then I felt kind of sorry for the guy but now, as an adult, I think he was just an idiot. Him committing suicide because some chick that he had just met, no more than 2 or 3 months earlier, tried to trap him into marrying her but then dumped him because he quit the military was the biggest overreaction I think I've ever seen on film. First of all, I thought he quit because he realized that a career in the military was just not what he wanted, not because he thought that they were going to get married and have a family? Why didn't he just go on home and marry someone else? It's not like they had been together so long that he couldn't imagine his life without her. What would he have done 3 months ago, before he ever met this chick? I didn't think that they were serious anyway. Wasn't that just an extended booty call? He should have considered himself lucky that her plan didn't work and he found out what type of woman she was before it was too late, which brings me to my next point. Did he really believe that someone that he had only known for 3 months really loved him for him and wasn't just using him for the life of a military life. What was he thinking about while the Sergeant was trying to warned them about women like her? What made him think that she just loved him so much in 3 months that she would drop everything and marry him without a job and no plan for the future? Also, wouldn't becoming a father and a husband be enough of an incentive to stay in the military and continue to get a check and the military benefits for his new family? I mean, who quits the military to work at JC Penny, especially a man with a new wife and a baby on the way? Also, who wakes up and decides to make such a drastic decision about their future, without discussing it with the person that they plan to marry? This guy was just ridiculously and unbelievably stupid.

I woke up this way...
