MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > Rambo’s final speech

Rambo’s final speech

Man such a heartbreaking and tragic scene, when I first saw this film when I was 12 I was close to tears. But I can’t help but notice that neither Rambo nor Trautman seemed that concerned that Teasle was lying on the floor bleeding to death.


Why should they care about Teasle? Teasle was the villain of the movie. He wouldn't let Rambo get food in his town, told him to walk 30 miles away to get food, and was best friends with a sadist who was on his police force. He also disregarded everything Trautman said and in the end made it clear he'd rather die than to admit any wrong doing.


Trautman didn’t want Teasle to die and Teasle isn’t a villain, he’s an antagonist. There is a difference. Not allowing someone to eat at a diner doesn’t rise to the level of deserving to die. Now Padovsky in the sequel deserved to die because he was a sadistic scumbag who got a sexual rush out of torture and was a beneficiary of slave labor.


I consider him a villain for having a sadist on his police force.


neither Rambo nor Trautman seemed that concerned that Teasle was lying on the floor bleeding to death.

Maybe they heard Teasle quietly chortling as rambo was crying and decided just to let him hang 10 there for a while.
