Totally over rated movie

I did not watch the movie when it was released in the theater or on media. Today I finally watched it. It is horribly done in direction, writing, and acting. If you watch it again I will bet you won't think it is quite as good as you remember it. There is a reason for this because it is so weakly delivered. It is your memory of the film that gives it such a high score. This is not a classic film because it does not stand the test of time. It is now a B-film at best.



I agree.
And to prove to anyone out there that I'm not some jaded old *beep* who thinks every movie needs to be 'Casablanca', I saw this movie as a kid. I was about 5 or 6, and it was on TV at Christmas. I sat down, watched it... and never connected with it at all. I've watched it more times since then, having seen it about 7 times in my life, and I still have no interest in the film.
Everyone praises it to be one of the best movies of all time, when I'd be much happier watching a masterpiece epic like 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind', or 'Alien' as opposed to 'E.T. The Scrotum Monster'


i hated it when i was 7,i still hate it now, im 39


I watched this at the theater when I was a teenager. I will admit I did enjoy it, and the concept of the movie is a good one. I will say this, I saw it at home as well, and the quality isn't as good as it was in the theater. But I still like it.



I can see how someone at your age group would not enjoy this. This movie was ground breaking in it's time. Hard to believe, being that technology advances so quickly. Watching it with my daughter now, and my heart is melting at just how much I love this movie.


It's spelled underrated.


Compared to some of the rubbish Hollywood makes nowadays, this movie is so much better, it's a classic. I don't believe it's "over-rated" at all, I love this movie so much, the characters are likable, the story is unrealistic but heartwarming, and E.T actually made me care about him in the movie, unlike alot of other alien characters in newer Sci-fi/fantasy movies these days.


the acting and directing was bad? that is where you lost me. i can understand why you might find it boring etc. speilberg has never directed anything bad. some of his flicks might not be as good as others...but never bad directing. the acting was very good by the entire cast. drew's acting performance at age 6 was more natural and believable than over half of hollywood today! lol
