I want honest opinions

Let me start off by saying that I love movies like this, ones where the average everyday person is the hero that brings down thugs. Anyway I still haven't seen this movie and I was wondering whether or not you people thought it was better than the Principal? Which by the way is another cool movie.


better then the principal which call me what you will but I found to be abit of a comedy

saddened that no one mentioned 187 yet
if you haven't seen you might like to, the message isn't quite the same but most of the "gritty realism" is

glad to so that no one said anything about the substitute, lets keep it that way

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I saw both "the Principal" and this film. Both are ridiculously contrived "B" movie nonsense that just wouldn't happen in real life. If I had to make a choice of which was more "realistic", I'd have to say "The Principal" is far less obnoxious. "The Class of 1984" was just the most manipulative piece of nonsense I have ever sat through, and I have seen many (at this point too many) of these eighties "B" movies.

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