MovieChat Forums > Cat People (1982) Discussion > Movies set in New Orleans?

Movies set in New Orleans?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could name a film or two set in New Orleans, it has a great atmosphere which translates beautifully on screen. I'm looking for Horror/Voodoo/Romance/Thriller,... anything you can think of!

Anything will be much appreciated;...



Just watched The Reaping. Don't know if it was NO specifically, but it felt a lot like The Skeleton Key (swamp, plantation locations, religious themes, etc.).

Also, Primary Colors (though not a thriller), was filmed in Algiers, right across the river from NO.

I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen.


What's wrong with you? As a New Orleanian, I'm very offended? Have you been here? Saw the sites in person, felt atmosphere? I'm sick of people ragging on my city. It's the most beautiful, lush, vibrant, exotic city in America..


I regret to say that I have never been there (though I have spent some time in Louisiana), but it seems to me that _Cat People_(1982) is almost a love letter to the New Orleans that *was* (pre-Katrina). It makes it look beautiful. Of course I hope it has come back.


And I stood where I did be; for there was no more use to run; And again I lookt with my hope gone.


I don't think anybody mentioned "Down by Law" yet.


Oliver Stone's JFK, Runaway Jury and A Love Song for Bobby Long were all filmed in pre-Katrina New Orleans. They're all good movies too.


'Hard Times' (also known as 'The Streetfighter'), 1975, with Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Jill Ireland and Strother Martin -

Great film, with a beautifully realised atmospheric depiction of depression era New Orleans.



Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans


It seems like all of the good ones have been mentioned. Pat Boone made a pretty horrible b movie musical in the late fifties called Mardi Gras. They used to show it a lot on TV and it was pretty silly.


The Skeleton Key (2005)
