Lmao at this photo!


What the hell kind of pose is that? Lol, he looks like he's going to fall backward onto the kid.


LMAO that is hilarious!

The BReast Master was a favorite movie of mine, back when it was on constant repeat on HBO etc in the 80s.


Omg me too! I recently bought in on DVD! It's filled with cheesy goodness just like that picture! Lol

I bought another favorite from that era.. Krull!


I always thought that Krull was terrible.

Our hero has to find the glaive. A huge quest is mounted to find it. Then when it is reclaimed, the hero is not allowed to use it until the time is right. Then when the time is right, it doesn't work, and the hero has to resort to "hand fire" in order to win. Then he doesn't even retrieve the glaive at the end of the film! As a result, it rendered about 90% of the film useless!

Awesome weapon, very cool concepts, nice scenery, nice sets, beautiful women, yet it suffers from a completely flawed (and that's being kind) script.

I still really enjoy it, but it isn't a good film.
