During the first run of this NBC dog a reference was infrequently made to LCPD being "Los Campos Police Dept." I don't live in southern California but believe the town may exist or may be an unincorporated township instead of a city with a mayor and a P.D.
Regardless, this show's chase scenes and car crashes were so bad I could smell it thru my TV back then and in my opinion would have never run more than ONE season if not for the two main stars having name recognition from other prior work on TV.
The shows success also could be attributed to the fact that there were only 3 (maybe Fox was just kicking off?) broadcast networks back then and way fewer television viewers had cable or dish service back then plus the other networks had at least as much junk scheduled opposite this show that was even worse which was an excuse for tuning in to "Captain James T. Kirk P.D. 1982"
I also tuned in from time to time because there was NOTHING better on as well as getting a peek at Heather in some tight jeans or a pair of bell-bottom slacks when she played "undercover sweetheart" on the show.
This reply only got written because Heather is having her 52nd birthday tomorrow (!!!) and I googled her name when I heard that info on some evening magazine show tonight.
Whether she's sober or loaded I still think she is a sexy sweetheart today and Richie was a total *beep* for not being a better husband! Nuff said, I'm off to look up some sexy old photos of her on the web!