If Randy Pearson of "That '70s Show" is the worst t.v. series replacement character in the entire history of American sit-coms (and, believe me, Randy truly is/was incredibly terrible on that show), then, I daresay, that Kirk Devane was THE worst original character ever on a long-running and successful American sit-com.
I mean, Kirk was smug, snotty, condescending, insulting and unbelievably niggardly on the show. Kirk even makes that late, lamented skinflint, the venerable Jack Benny, seem like the great philanthropist Bill Gates by comparison (And, didn't Kirk have the worst hair style, this side of either Art Garfunkel's or William Shatner's head of "hair"?)
Good riddance to the crass and cross Kirk. "Newhart" became MUCH better with Kirk's long-overdue departure and the arrivals of Stephanie and the always-alliteratively perfect Michael Harris.