Where is KITT now?

Quick question. I'm trying to find out if KITT is on display anywhere. I know years ago, the car used to be at Universal, but apparently not anymore. A friend of mine told me (and swore) that it was at MGM in Orlando now. My 3 year old daughter is obsessed with Knight Rider and I really want to see it somehow. Does anyone know where you can go see KITT?


I took the tram tour at Universal Studios, CA a few years ago and saw "KITT" parked behind some buildings with a few other dirty old beat up cars. It wasn't pointed out by the guide, but I apotted KITT as we drove past some buildings. Not sure if it's still there or not. Has anyone noticed it, or my memory getting faulty in my old age? ;)


Well I saw a show just the other night called 'Same Name' and it confirmed in that David 'The Hoff' Hasselhoff indeed own's at least one KITT.

In the show it was referred to 'The Kitt' by The Hoff's body guard who then let this guy with the same as Hasselhoff (who traded places with David for a week) drive the car. So I presume he owns the original Star car and not a clone or mockup or stunt car.



I've seen KITT a few times at the Cars of The Stars museum in Keswick, England. Just been to the website to check if he's still there, and there's a message saying that the museum has now closed. Bummer. I hope KITT finds a good new home. He can stay at my place if he wants.


